SunSatFriThursWedTuesMon September
CONTENTS Plan for next monthLegal NewsLegal Counsel Terms and Conditions
Terms & Conditions I01 - I02 WHOLE LIFE UNIVERSAL LIFE Waiting feedback from MOF I03 - I04 TERM UNIVERSAL LIFE Waiting feedback from MOF R04 MEDICAL RIDER Waiting feedback from MOF R06 WAIVER PREMIUM RIDER Waiting feedback from MOF
C13 TERM LIFE On process C14 CATHAY ADVANCE LADY ENDOWMENT On process Terms & Conditions
Legal Counsel LAWSUIT Case 1: Mr. Lan’ s case regarding to insurance benefit payment – waiting the result of evidences collection from the Court Case 2: Ms. Tuyen’ s case regarding to labor issue - waiting feedback from the Court in Can Tho LEGAL SUGGESTIONS Checking the procedure signing contract with General Agency Giving legal advice on Regulation for getting TIA of General Agency Draft offer letter and deposit contract for new office in Dong Nai Draft Annex for N’orch Building
Legal News RULES ON CARRYING CASH OF INDIVIDUAL WHEN IMMIGRATING AND EMIGRATING IN VIETNAM State Bank of Vietnam has issued Circular 15/2011/TT-NHNN on carrying foreign cash in and out of Vietnam which some new important contents as follows: ENTERINGOUTING DECLARING TO BORDER CUSTOMS Above 5,000 USD or Above 15,000,000 VND Above 5,000 USD or Above 15,000,000 VND Yes Under/equal 5,000 USD or Under/equal 15,000,000 VND Under/equal 5,000 USD or Under/equal 15,000,000 VND No
ENTERINGOUTING DECLARING TO BORDER CUSTOMS Transferring the amount of Under/equal 5,000 USD or Under/equal 15,000,000 VND into bank account payment in foreign currency in Vietnam Yes Note: Before, the amount of money could be carried in and out of Vietnam was 7,000 USD or 15,000,000 VND Legal News RULES ON CARRYING CASH OF INDIVIDUAL WHEN IMMIGRATING AND EMIGRATING IN VIETNAM
NEW RULES FOR FOREIGNERS EMPLOYMENT The Government has issued Decree 46/2011/ND-CP amending some articles of Decree 34/2008/ND-CP on recruitment and management of foreigners and work permit in Vietnam which some new important changing contents as follows: ITEMOLDNEW Publish announcement to recruit foreigners In central or local newspaper In 01 central and 01 local newspaper Issuance of work permit Within 15 working days Within 10 working days Applying for extending work permit At least 30 days prior to the expiration At least 10 not over 30 days prior to the expiration Legal News
NEW RULES FOR FOREIGNERS EMPLOYMENT The Government has issued Decree 46/2011/ND-CP amending some articles of Decree 34/2008/ND-CP on recruitment and management of foreigners working in Vietnam which some new important changing contents as follows: ITEMOLDNEW Cases for re-issuance work permit Work permit was lost, damaged Work permit was lost, damaged or change passport number, working place Period of re-issued work permit N/A The rest time of the old working permit period Legal News
Plan in October 2011 No.Task 1Drafting Terms and Conditions for new products (C13, C14) 2Following up the GA’s activities 3Preparing the leasing contract for new office in Dong Nai 4Preparing for expanding the Company’s business scope 5Following up Ha Phan ‘s issue 6Follow up lawsuit 1.Mr. Lan’s case 2.Ms. Tuyen’s case