Council Meeting September 11, :15 pm – 7:00 pm CFDRC Conference Room
Chair Remarks & Business Reports Vice Chair Secretary Treasurer Education Director Honors & Awards Director Liaison to Student Branches Membership Director Pre-College Outreach Director Public Policy Director Technical Director YP & Career Enhancement Director Supernumerary Past Chair Webmaster Review of Decisions & Actions Up Coming Events & Adjourn Agenda
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. Theodore Roosevelt
Introductions Rules of Engagement Respect each other and our time Much coord & planning will be before meetings Once a month face-to-face—make the most of it Finish on time Chair Remarks
Unity and Growth Service Leadership, leadership, leadership. Did I mention leadership? Visibility for your efforts Dare to experiment Benefits to belonging Philosophy According to Ken (aka stuff you will grow tired of hearing from me)
Continuity Binders Calendar Director intro at luncheons. Neal is 1 st up. Thank you! Group in Mobile wants to start a Chapter Will fall under GHSV Flexibility on how we fund/administer but will have to provide seed money ($200) AIAA wants vote from us on proceeding Moontown Fly-In recruiting table, Sep 20 Chair Business
Proposed Coin Design
Coin Design Proof
Budget Barbecue, my house, Sunday. Please RSVP Air Force Birthday Sep 18. AIAA Air Force vets hosting after work social at Bar Louie. Beer, drinks and appetizers, at least till the money runs out Wounded Warriors golf tournament? Chair Business
Next luncheon Sep 15, “iSAT” Section survey Vice Chair
Minutes Section filing scheme E-Library initiative Pumpkin Blast Secretary
Financial update Adding Vice Chair to account Financial planning Treasurer
Professional Development short course topics Technical short course in conjunction with Civil Space 2015 Education Director
Engineer of the Year Award Oct 1 Goddard Award Oct 1 Associate Fellow Application Prep Seminar Honors & Awards Director
Speakers, tours, workshops for student branches Improve interaction with Athens State Branch Regional student conference Improve student to professional transition Improve interaction with Athens State Branch Liaison to Student Branches
Status UAH Athens State University of Alabama Auburn Mississippi State University University of Mississippi Tuskegee Possibly forming new branches UAB University of South Alabama Liaison to Student Branches
Contacting non-renewals 90-day window to get ‘em back before they disappear from the rolls Significant numbers are forgetting to renew Chamber of Commerce Membership dues increase November 1 Membership Director
Net gain 8 members
Rocket / balloon launch event STEM rocket launch with HARA – October ? Paper Airplane contest K – 12 STEM lesson plans Scholarship fund raising First Flight Anniversary event (Dec 17) PongSat / Minicube (Carla wants to coord) Pre-College Outreach Director
Civil Space 2015 update Congressional Visits Day Targeted fund raising Public Policy Director
Technical Committee nomination update UAV competition planning Technical Director
Entrepreneurial / Start Up seminars Apollo-era veteran speakers YP & Career Enhancement Director
Section Chair visit to MSU to speak to students Supernumerary
Maintenance of address lists, including periodic rebuilds, corrections, etc. (full Section and YP) Maintenance of mailbox with respect to unclaimed mail, junk mail, etc. Maintenance of Section website with respect to updates, new pages, etc. Creation of PayPal code/sites for registration/payment for Section events/activities Take a few pictures Webmaster
Past Chair
Motion to re-join HATS approved electronically 29 Jul to 11 Aug (FOR – 10, AGAINST – 0, ABSTAIN / NO RESPONSE – 4) Vote on establishing Mobile Chapter Coin Vote Review Decisions & Actions
Sep 14 – Council BBQ Sep 18 – Air Force Birthday Social Sep 20 – Moontown Fly-In Sep 26 – 28 – Section trip to Dawn Patrol Oct 1 – Engineer of the Year and other awards nomination deadline October 9 – Next Council meeting October 23 – USSRC Biergarten social Up Coming Events
Never Forget