Department of Management and Marketing Importance of Organisational Culture Organisational culture is the personality of the organisation It links to the organisation’s identity, its reputation, and its aspirations Organisational culture determines the feel of the organisation “the way we do things around here” Organisational culture can be a ‘core competency’
Organisational Culture The set of values that helps an organisation’s employees understand what it stands for; how it does things and what it considers important. A system of shared meanings held by members that distinguishes the organisation from other organisations Remember (culture can be a core competency) Social capital Department of Management and Marketing
Core competency ( = something your business does better than others ) Competitive advantage frontier Threshold competencies (all in industry do this) core competency (unique to bsns) An industry Outside the industry
Origins of organisational culture Beliefs and values of organisations founder/ owner Can be a major influence in how organisational culture is created. Societal norms of the firm’s native or host country Here the society influences culture of the organisation. In a global organisation the culture in each location may be different. Department of Management and Marketing
Dimensions of Organisational Culture The following dimensions are part of an organisation’s culture: Innovation and risk taking Attention to detail as in being precise Outcome /results or process orientation People orientation and its impact on people team / individuals orientation Aggressiveness / competitive or easygoing Stability or change & growth
Online research : 20 min –two tasks 1. Find a quote and an image that represent something about the culture of a business. Put together on one ppt slide. 2. Find an example of a business with a recognisable culture. Create one ppt slide to show this.
Once online research is complete … Upload your slides to this googleslides presentation. HeROio6tzvFciki4wAL8mVM/edit?usp=sharing HeROio6tzvFciki4wAL8mVM/edit?usp=sharing
Some thoughts on culture & chickens orget_the_pecking_order_at_work orget_the_pecking_order_at_work Fika = collective restoration
Developing a Multicultural Organisation This encourages minority groups to apply to the organisation because it values diversity. Create pluralism Use the knowledge of all groups to develop the organisation’s behavioural norms, values and policies. Achieve leadership diversity Select a group of leaders-supervisors, middle managers, and team leaders with a cultural mix. Department of Management and Marketing
>>DEPARTMENT TITLE EDIT IN HEADER & FOOTER Leadership Initiatives for Cultural Diversity Developing a Multicultural Organisation Hold managers accountable for achieving diversity Establish minority recruitment, retention, and mentoring programs Conduct diversity training Conduct cross-cultural training Encourage the development of employee networks Avoid group characteristics when hiring for person-organization fit Modify products and services for targeted demographic groups Attain diversity among organizational leaders
Advantages of high levels of diversity Reduction of turnover and absenteeism costs (inclusiveness improves ‘belonging’). A marketing advantage (business/product brand) Recruitment and retaining talented People (employment brand) Unlocks potential for excellence Improves creativity (diversity linked to creativity(?)) Department of Management and Marketing
Global Leadership Skills Interpersonal skills/being sociable Linguistic ability Motivation to live and work abroad Ability to tolerate and cope with uncertainty Able to show respect Showing empathy Department of Management and Marketing