STRATEGIC PLAN Kentucky Community and Technical College
Advance excellence and innovation in teaching, learning and service Increase student access, transfer and success Cultivate diversity, multiculturalism and inclusion Enhance the economic and workforce development of the Commonwealth Promote the recognition and value of KCTCS
Definition: Average scores on the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE)s benchmarks of effective educational practice. CCSSEs Benchmarks of Effective Educational Practice: Active and Collaborative Learning: Do students contribute to class discussions, make presentations, work on projects with other students? Student Effort: Do students come to class prepared? How much time do students spend preparing for class? Academic Challenge: Do students work hard to meet instructors expectations? Are students asked to apply what they have learned? Student-Faculty Interaction: Do students discuss ideas with instructors outside of class? Do they receive prompt feedback on their performance? Support for Learners: Does the college help students cope with non-academic responsibilities? Does the college encourage interaction among diverse students?
Target Active Learning Student Effort Academic Challenge Student/Faculty Interaction Support for Learners Community College Student Survey of Student Engagement Benchmark Scores Definition: Average scores on CCSSE’s benchmarks of effective educational practice. Source: Community College Survey of Student Engagement
Student Diversity TARGET Source: Official data as reported to CPE; National Center for Health Statistics; US Census Bureau Population Estimates. Definition: Percent of students with known ethnicity in all racial/ethnic categories excluding white and nonresident alien, based on fall unduplicated headcount, compared to percent minority population aged in enrollment cluster.
Student Diversity Definition: Students with known ethnicity in all racial/ethnic categories, based on fall unduplicated headcount Source: KCTCS database, CPE Official Definition: Kentucky population aged Source: Census Population Estimates
Wage Index TARGET Source: Official data as reported to CPE; UI wage match; Office of Employment and Training’s Occupational Wages. Definition: Median quarterly wage of all graduates making at least $2,500 in the 2 nd quarter post graduation divided by the Kentucky median occupational wage.
Wage Index