Provenance and Context Content Standard (Emerging) – Status of Activities H. K. Ramapriyan Science Systems and Applications, Inc. & ESDIS Project, Code 423, NASA GFSC 1 Winter ESIP Meeting January 8, 2015
Standards Activities Since January 2014, NASA has been a member of International Committee for Information Technology Standards – Geographic Information Systems (INCITS/L1) Jeanne Behnke – Principal H. K. “Rama” Ramapriyan (SSAI/NASA), Ted Habermann (THG), Walter Baskin (SSAI/NASA) - Alternates Rama has completed preliminary draft of New Work Item Proposal (NWIP) under the International Standards Organization Technical Committee - Geographic information/Geomatics (ISO/TC 211) Title: “Preservation Content Specifications for Remote Sensing Data and Derived Digital Products” Shared preliminary draft with INCITS/L1 Chair (Liping Di) Discussed during December telecon of INCITS/L1 2
Standards Activities ISO/TC 211 has recently approved a NWIP for ISO 19165: “Geographic Information - Preservation of digital data and metadata” initiated by Prof. Wolfgang Kresse, Chair of International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) Ad-hoc Group on Standards Some overlap in interests between Rama’s NWIP and ISO ISO mainly driven by the interests of National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies (vector data) Rama in communication with Wolfgang Kresse; Kresse agrees there are common interests; will pursue in January 2015 Rama also in communication about NWIP with Mirko Albani (ESA ) who has been leading the Long-Term Data Preservation effort 3
Standards Activities We might consider proposing as ISO (extension to remote sensing data) [Precedent – ISO and ISO ] Liaison organizations listed in NWIP – ISPRS, CEOS, IEEE GRSS ESIP Data Stewardship Committee’s support will help greatly Review draft materials and recommend improvement Identify additional organizations with which to coordinate Promote idea with other organizations 4
ISO Standard Development Process* An INCITS/L1* member or members prepares a new work item proposal (NWIP) NWIP will be voted by INCITS/L1 members for a one month voting period during which clarification questions need to be answered If NWIP is approved by INCITS/L1, it will be voted by INCITS Executive board as U.S. contribution will be sent to ISO TC211 secretariat by INCITS/L1. TC 211 will send the proposal to member countries for one month informal review If more than half of voting members countries support the project and at least 5 members agree to participate in the project by nominating experts to the project team, the project is approved Project chair, editor, and the nominated experts will form the project team to draft the working draft (WD) of the standard. There are normally multiple versions of the WD. When the project team is satisfied with the WD, the final version of WD will be sent out by TC211 to countries’ members for Committee Draft (CD) voting. If CD voting approved, the project team is dissolved and an editing committee (EC) will be formed. The project chair will be the chair of the EC, and the ISO TC 211 working group 6 convener will become the EC chair. Edited CD will be put in for vote again to advance to Draft International Standard (DIS) stage. If approved, the EC will have a final EC meeting to edit the document to DIS based on voting comments. If not approved, a new version of CD needs to be produced. After it becomes DIS, the next step will be Formal Draft International Standard (FDIS). FDIS to International standard (IS): It will automatically advance from FDIS to IS after 6 months without major objections. Only minor editorial change will be allowed from FDIS to IS. **International Committee for Information Technology Standards – Geographic Information Systems *Thanks to Liping Di