Planetary Atmospheres & Introduction to Stars
IS Symposium Just a reminder that all IS students are encouraged to attend and participate in next week's campus conversation "Complicating Normal--A Campus Conversation on Dis/Ability." Several programs are featured including: LeDerick Horne, April 1, 1:15 p.m. in Riley Auditorium. A gifted word poet, playwright and disability advocate, LeDerick's talk is titled "Beyond Classification." An informal reception follows the presentation. Panel on Disability Experience, April 1, 7 p.m. in Towers 110 Lennard Davis, April 2, 3:30 p.m. in Roush 114. Dr. Davis is a professor of English, professor of disability and human development and professor of medical education at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He directs Project Biocultures, a think tank devoted to issues found at the intersection of disability, culture, medicine, biotechnology and biosphere. His talk is "The End of Normal: Disability, Diversity and Neoliberalism."
Mercury Small, bright but hard to see About the same size as the moon Density about that of Earth Day ~ 59 Earth days Year ~ 88 Earth days
Venus Bright, never very far from the sun –“Morning/Evening star” Similar to Earth in size and density Day ~ 243 Earth days (retrograde!) Year ~ 225 Earth days
Venus Very thick atmosphere, mostly CO 2 Heavy cloud cover (sulfuric acid!) –About 90 times the pressure of Earth’s atmosphere –Very strong greenhouse effect, surface temperature about 750 K No magnetic field
Surface Features Two large “continents” –Aphrodite Terra and Ishtar Terra –About 8% of the surface Highest peaks on Aphrodite Terra rise about 14 km above the deepest surface depression –Comparable to Earth’s mountains
Hothouse Venus: 850 °F
Mars Fairly bright, generally not too hard to see Smaller than Earth Density similar to that of the moon Surface temperature 150–250 K Day ~ 24.6 hours Year ~ 2 Earth years Thin atmosphere, mostly carbon dioxide –1/150 the pressure of Earth’s atmosphere Tiny magnetic field, no magnetosphere
Mars Northern Hemisphere basically huge volcanic plains –Similar to lunar maria Valles Marineris – Martian “Grand Canyon” –4000 km long, up to 120 km across and 7 km deep –So large that it can be seen from Earth
Martian Volcanoes Olympus Mons –Largest known volcano in the solar system –700 km across at base –Peak ~25 km high (almost 3 times as tall as Mt. Everest!)
Martian Seasons: Icecaps & Dust Storms
Martian Surface Iron gives the characteristic Mars color: rusty red! View of Viking 1 1 m rock Sojourner
Water on Mars? Mars Louisiana Outflow Channels Runoff channels
Life on Mars? Giovanni Schiaparelli (1877) – observed “canali” (channels) on Martian surface Interpreted by Percival Lowell (and others) as irrigation canals – a sign of intelligent life Lowell built a large observatory near Flagstaff, AZ (Incidentally, this enabled C. Tombaugh to find Pluto in 1930) Speculation became more and more fanciful –A desert world with a planet-wide irrigation system to carry water from the polar ice caps? –Lots of sci-fi, including H.G. Wells, Bradbury, … All an illusion! There are no canals…
Viking Lander Experiments (1976) Search for bacteria- like forms of life Results inconclusive at best
Atmospheric Histories Primary atmosphere: hydrogen, helium, methane, ammonia –Too light to “stick” to a planet unless it’s very big Jovian Planets Secondary atmosphere: water, CO 2, SO 2, … –Outgassed from planet interiors, a result of volcanic activity
Atmospheric Histories - Venus Venus is closer to Sun than Earth hotter surface Not a lot of liquid water on surface initially CO 2 could not be absorbed by water, rocks because of higher temperatures run-away Greenhouse effect: it’s hot, the greenhouse gases can’t be be stored away, it gets hotter …
Earth’s Atmospheric History Volcanic activity spews out water steam Temperature range allowed water to liquify CO 2 dissolves in oceans, damping greenhouse effect More water condenses, more CO 2 is absorbed If too cold, ice forms less cloud cover more energy No oxygen at this point, since it would have been used up producing “rust” Tertiary atmosphere: early life contributes oxygen –1% 800 Myrs ago, 10% 400 Myrs ago
Mars – Freezing over Mars once had a denser atmosphere with liquid water on the surface As on Earth, CO 2 dissolves in liquid water But: Mars is further away from the Sun temperature drops below freezing point inverse greenhouse effect permafrost forms with CO 2 locked away Mars probably lost its atmosphere because its magnetic field collapsed, because Mars’ molten core cooled down
Stellar Parallax Given p in arcseconds (”), use d=1/p to calculate the distance which will be in units “parsecs” By definition, d=1pc if p=1”, so convert d to A.U. by using trigonometry To calculate p for star with d given in lightyears, use d=1/p but convert ly to pc. Remember: 1 degree = 3600” Note: p is half the angle the star moves in half a year
Our Stellar Neighborhood
Scale Model If the Sun = a golf ball, then –Earth = a grain of sand –The Earth orbits the Sun at a distance of one meter –Proxima Centauri lies 270 kilometers (170 miles) away –Barnard’s Star lies 370 kilometers (230 miles) away –Less than 100 stars lie within 1000 kilometers (600 miles) The Universe is almost empty! Hipparcos satellite measured distances to nearly 1 million stars in the range of 330 ly almost all of the stars in our Galaxy are more distant
Luminosity and Brightness Luminosity L is the total power (energy per unit time) radiated by the star, actual brightness of star, cf. 100 W lightbulb Apparent brightness B is how bright it appears from Earth –Determined by the amount of light per unit area reaching Earth –B L / d 2 Just by looking, we cannot tell if a star is close and dim or far away and bright
Brightness: simplified 100 W light bulb will look 9 times dimmer from 3m away than from 1m away. A 25W light bulb will look four times dimmer than a 100W light bulb if at the same distance! If they appear equally bright, we can conclude that the 100W lightbulb is twice as far away!
Same with stars… Sirius (white) will look 9 times dimmer from 3 lightyears away than from 1 lightyear away. Vega (also white) is as bright as Sirius, but appears to be 9 times dimmer. Vega must be three times farther away (Sirius 9 ly, Vega 27 ly)
Distance Determination Method is (L)Understand how bright an object is (L) appears (B)Observe how bright an object appears (B) Calculate how far the object is away: B L / d 2 So L/B d 2 or d √L/B
Homework: Luminosity and Distance Distance and brightness can be used to find the luminosity: L d 2 B So luminosity and brightness can be used to find Distance of two stars 1 and 2: d 2 1 / d 2 2 = L 1 / L 2 ( since B 1 = B 2 ) i.e. d 1 = (L 1 / L 2 ) 1/2 d 2
Homework: Example Question Two stars -- A and B, of luminosities 0.5 and 2.5 times the luminosity of the Sun, respectively -- are observed to have the same apparent brightness. Which one is more distant? Star A Star B Same distance
Homework: Example Question Two stars -- A and B, of luminosities 0.5 and 2.5 times the luminosity of the Sun, respectively -- are observed to have the same apparent brightness. How much farther away is it than the other? L A /d 2 A = B A =B B = L B /d 2 B d B = √L B /L A d A Star B is √5=2.24 times as far as star A