2006 GRANT APPLICATION - UNSUCCESSFUL Provide training, training materials and activities to improve the quality of meals served in CACFP Centers and to increase physical activity One mile fun run/walk Develop physical education curriculum MyPyramid Workshops Develop 5-week cycle menu with corresponding recipes and grocery list Potential Partnerships AzDHS Arizona Action for Healthy Kids AZ WIC ASU
2007 GRANT APPLICATION - UNSUCCESSFUL Further expand in to the Native American child care community and provide nutrition education and stress importance of physical activity Coordinated Approach To Child Health (CATCH) Included 7 centers
2008 GRANT APPLICATION - SUCCESSFUL Provide training for foodservice staff in 10 low- income child care centers on the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and MyPyramid in order to serve nutritious meals and promote healthy habits in the child care environment Focused more heavily on using Team Nutrition resources Building Blocks for Fun and Healthy Meals Nibbles for Health MyPyramid for Kids materials
WHAT ARIZONA DID Provided training to Head Start Center Staff at 10 different locations Pre-questionnaire Training on Team Nutrition Materials and others 6 Follow-Up Visits to each site over two years Physical Activity Recipe to Try TA on Team Nutrition Resources Collect Parent/Staff Surveys
LESSONS LEARNED Staff Turnover Used 2 nd visit to re-train staff Foodservice Vendors Surveys Head Start Restrictions I.E. Coloring Books Parent involvement was minimal Not all sites followed through with requested documentation Physical activity worksheets
SUCCESSES Site staff learned useful activities to continue using with their children to help increase physical activity Staff and children had opportunity to try new recipes Many have been added to menus permanently One site sent recipes home with parents ADE staff formed good rapport with site staff and children ADE often showed up dressed as a fruit and vegetable
FEEDBACK FROM PARTICIPANTS “Through this grant, staff at this site became more open-minded about encouraging children to try different types of food…which helped to facilitate more conversation about making healthy food choices.” – Southwest Human Development “Having you at our center on a regular basis, going room to room to demonstrate activities was much better received than reading about this in a handout or manual.” – White Mountain Apache Head Start “Staff and children were always excited to see what new activities would be introduced. The menus were also enjoyed by all.” - WACOG