Ashlee Cook Education 505- Future of Education Jennifer Wojcik
Established in 1964 Funded by National Government Eight week summer program Later changed to year long program Offers many services for children and families 6.8 Billion Dollars Operates in all 50 states, District of Columbia, and six territories (Thomas, 2008)
Serves nearly 1 million children (Thomas, 2008) Mission Statement (Mission Statement, 2013) Collaborative school valued as a educational early childcare center (Mission Statement, 2013) Empower children and families (Mission Statement, 2013) Research By the end of 3 rd grade students who attended Head Start have higher test scores (Puma et al., 2012)
Definition: Possible outcomes in the future that relates important people, events, and motivations together (Weinclaw, 2008). Five Steps 1. Preparation 2. Pioneering 3. Map Making 4. Navigation 5. Reconnaissance Continual Process Weinclaw, (2008)
Definition: Organizations look into the future for any potential problems, opportunities, or technological developments. Allows leaders to look into the future with an open mind Continual research is required. (Van Rij, 2010)
Funding of educational preschools benefit children. Children are more likely to succeed if enrolled in preschool. Higher graduation rates for students who attended preschool (Amgerame, 2008). Government funds Head Start (Thomas, 2008).
90% of children have used a computer. Half of teachers with access to internet and computers in the classroom use them for instructional purposes. Teachers are commonly uncomfortable with technology in the classroom. Training is important throughout a successful teaching career. Training should include all areas, from technology to classroom management. (Onchwari, 2010)
More technology for students to have access to. More training for teachers Classroom Management Behavioral issues Technology training
New experience for the children More engaging activities Better attitudes towards learning Prepared teachers Gives teachers a opportunity to help children in all aspects of their lives.
Budget- Technology is expensive Unprepared teachers unwilling to learn to help the children Resistance from parents to allow technology. Resistance from teachers to use technology to teach with. Resistance from administrators to purchase the technology.
Step 1- Do a survey of the teachers in the organization. See if the teachers support the changes. After all they are the one that will be using the technology Step 2- Do a budget and set money aside for the technology and training for the teachers.
(2013). Mission Statement. Retrieved from Angerame, L. (2008). Education & the Economy. Education & The Economy -- Research Starters Education, 1. Onchwari, J. (2010). Early Childhood Inservice and Preservice Teachers’ Perceived Levels of Preparedness to Handle Stress in their Students. Early Childhood Education Journal, 37(5), Puma, M., Bell, S., Cook, R., Heid, C., Broene, P., Jenkins, F., … Downer, J. (2012). Third Grade Follow Up to the Head Start Impact Study. U.S Department of Health and Human Services. Thomas, J. (2008). The Head Start Program. Head Start Program -- Research Starters Education, 1.
Van Rij, V. (2010). Joint Horizon Scanning: Identifying Common Strategic Choices and Questions for Knowledge. Science & Public Policy (SPP), 37(1), doi: / X Wienclaw, R. A. (2008). Scenario Planning. Scenario Planning -- Research Starters Business, 1-11