MOUTH STOMACH Lingual Lipase FFA + DAGs (miniscule amounts) Lipids: Triacylglycerols Cholesterol esters Phospholipids MOUTH FFA + DAGs (small amounts) Lingual Lipase ("acid-stable") 1b Triacylglycerols STOMACH STEP 1: Digestion in the Mouth and Stomach Courtesy of Dr. Marc Tischler
SMALL INTESTINE duodenum/jejunum EXOCRINE PANCREAS CCK-PZ from stomach stimulates secretion FFA from stomach trypsinogen, procolipase, lipase, esterase, HCO3-, proPLA2 Endocrine cell Cholecystokin-pancreozymin (CCK-PZ) via bloodstream Trypsinogen Pancreatic lipase esterase Procolipase Pancreatic ProPLA2 Bile Salt storage SMALL INTESTINE duodenum/jejunum Bile Acid Synthesis Conjuga- tion LIVER GALL BLADDER CCK-PZ causes contraction STEP 2: Enzymatic Digestion in the Duodenum/Jejunum – secretion of zymogens/bile salts Courtesy of Dr. Marc Tischler
Enterohepatic circulation of bile acids SMALL INTESTINE duodenum/jejunum LIVER Enterohepatic circulation of bile acids 3b Portal vein Mixed Micelles 4 FFA, 2MG cholesterol lysolecithin vitamin A Short/medium chain FFA Released bile acids 3b Reabsorbed by ileum Capillaries STEP 3b: Bile Acid Recycling STEP 4: Lipid Absorption Courtesy of Dr. Marc Tischler
To lacteals and thoracic duct (lymphatic system) SMALL INTESTINE duodenum/jejunum 6b To lacteals and thoracic duct (lymphatic system) 6a B48 Coating with apolipoprotein (with TTP) Chylomicron vitamins D, E, K Triacylglycerol transfer protein Triacyl- glycerol Cholesterol ester Phospholipid FFA, 2MG cholesterol lysolecithin vitamin A reesterification 5 ACAT Acyl CoA: cholesterol acyl transferase STEP 5: Re-esterification STEP 6: Chylomicron Assembly and Export Courtesy of Dr. Marc Tischler
chylomicron interacts with lipoprotein lipase removing FFA Lymph system: Chylomicrons to capillaries via lymph INTEST INE Nascent chylo-microns acquire apo CII (C) and E (E) from HDL non-hepatic tissues C E C E C E C E ApoB48 aids with chylo-micron assembly LIVER Chylomicrons carry dietary fatty acids to tissues and the remnants take cholesterol to the liver
chylomicron interacts with lipoprotein lipase removing FFA Lymph system: INTEST INE C E chylomicron acquires apo CII (C) and E (E) from HDL non-hepatic tissues C E C E C E chylomicron remnants lose CII to HDL C E ApoB48 E Liver: apo E receptor takes up remnants to deliver cholesterol LIVER Chylomicrons carry dietary fatty acids to tissues and the remnants take cholesterol to the liver Courtesy of Dr. Marc Tischler