Presentation created by: Paula Ruth G. Mata
The Mark of a New Beginning Birth Name: Lev Davidovich Bronshtein (he changed his name to Leon Trotsky in 1902 Born on November 7, 1879 Place of birth: Yanovka, Ukraine Nationality: Russian Parents were Jewish farmers in Ukraine At eight years of age, Trotsky was sent to Odessa for education
Importance of Leon Trotsky Bolshevik leader Russia’s commissar of foreign affairs In 1905, he helped lead an uprising of Russian workers against the tsar. He wanted to end the fighting between Russia and Germany without giving up territory/ land.
Relation to Stalin Both were seeking power during the Russian Revolution. Trotsky was more skilled than Joseph Stalin Stalin hid Lenin’s letter stating that he wanted Trotsky to be next leader and Stalin to be exiled. Trotsky did not have time to find the missing letter, so he was exiled rather than Stalin.
Important Events in Trotsky’s Life He was born- 10/7/1879 Sent to private and religious school Went to jail Escaped He got involved with the Bolshevik revolution-1917 Trotsky was an the organizer of the triumphant Red Army.( ) He got assassinated/ stabbed in
The End of Leon Trotsky He was exiled because Stalin cheated his way to victory. He was assassinated because of his ideas about socialism being built in one country.
Major Events ( ) Timeline of Trotsky Lenin’s Death Stalin’s Control Exile Death
Timeline of Trotsky Trotsky was born 8/07/ helped lead an uprising of Russian workers against the tsar Sent to jail for his leadership in the St. Petersburg soviet 1907 Trotsky Escaped From jail 1917 Became Bolshevik leader Was the organizer Of the Red Army Arrested For being a Social Democrat Escaped Form Siberian exile And went to London 1929 Exiled to Turkey 1940 Trotsky Was assassinated
Lenin’s death had a big impact on Trotsky. Before the death of Lenin, he wrote about how Trotsky was going to be the next leader. Lenin also wrote that he wanted to get rid of Joseph Stalin. Vladimir Lenin’s Death
Stalin’s Control Joseph Stalin became leader by stealing Lenin’s letter, and hiding It from the parliament. Trotsky could not find the letter, so he was put into exile. Stalin’s control was evil
Trotsky’s Exile and Death Trotsky was exiled because of his beliefs. Exiled to Turkey, then moved to Norway then Mexico. Exiled in 1929 Stalin sent agent to Mexicoto kill/ stab Trotsky in 1940.
Bibliography Marrin, Albert. "Trotsky, Leon." World Book Online Reference Center [Place of access.] 19 Nov "Stalin, Joseph." World Book Online Reference Center World Book, Inc.10 Nov ???.copyright. ??? "Brest-Litovsk, Treaty of." World Book Online Reference Center World Book, Inc.17 Nov ? ??.copyright. ???