HORIZON 2020 SOCıAL SCıENCES & HUMANıTıES STRATEGY MEETıNG Center for Social Research Methods Social Sciences University of Ankara October 2015
ıNTRODUCTıON Aims: Give a brief background of Horizon 2020 grant program Cover major steps in project applications Walk you through the entire process Review upcoming calls related to social sciences and humanities Focus on Research & Innovation area Prioritize and target calls to be coordinated/participated by SSUA
BACKGROUND European Union’s 6th Framework Program – , € 17.5 b 7th Framework Program – , € 53.2 b Horizon 2020 – , € 71 b Emphasis on: Social problems and conflicts Interdisplineary approaches, innovative solutions Participation of SMEs as partners Broad involvement of stakeholders and end-users
PROPOSAL SUBMISSION-1 Follow H2020 website for new calls (October, March) Review calls in your area, target 1-2 Develop your main approach, write a short concept paper w litr.rew. Contact potential partners for necessary tasks Organize a brainstorming meeting w key partners Get letters of committment from partners Create the core writing group, divide major tasks Elaborate on key deliverables, milestones
PROPOSAL SUBMISSION-2 Apply TÜBİTAK funding for coordinator support; SSUA BAP Hire a project writing/review company Contact key stakeholders & end-users for support letters Apply for ethics committee approval Organize project-writing workshops for the consortium Calculate man-months, estimate budget Finish the proposal Review and submit the proposal (end of August)
WEB RESOURCES Intro : Previous calls: Register: TÜBİTAK: