1 FIMS Data Validations And Lessons Learned Phil Dalby, P.E. Office of Engineering and Construction Management Facilities and Infrastructure Team FIMS Conference 3 June 2008 Department of Energy
2 Agenda FIMS Status of FY 2008 Validations Assist visits Plan for FY 2009 validations Lessons learned
3 FIMS Reliance on FIMS is increasing –Current user community consists of 500 people –The user base has increased by 40% over the last 5 years –We have seen an increased level of interest in FIMS training by management and facilities personnel in the field OMB's focus on the PMA has shifted from data completeness to data quality/accuracy –This makes our data validation process all the more important –We are nearing completion of the second year of validations and have seen significant improvement –Most sites are now green on status for buildings and real property trailers –Next year we will begin validating OSF’s Call the hotline!!
4 FIMS Validation Status 47 Sites to be validated 32 Validated 24 Green/Green LPSO is lead on multi-program sites –One scorecard per site Go’in for Green! Right on!
7 Assist Visits Eight per year Try to get to each site every 5 years Sites that score red visit more frequently OECM/HQ Program Office do not run validation –Observe process –Provide QA –Provide assistance Answer questions We’re from Washington and we're here to help! FIMS
8 FY 2009 FIMS Validation Plan Validate buildings and trailers –One data pull –One Scorecard –No change from FY 2008 Validate OSF’s on a separate scorecard –Data pull using sample size chart –Separate scorecard for OSF’s “Where’d you get this plan”… Washington!
9 EM’s Experience Validating OSF’s Getting to Green without Seeing Red
10 OSF Validation EM administratively validated OSFs in the 2007 and 2008 validation cycles. –Used similar procedures as used for buildings and trailers as much as possible –Validated similar elements as those done for buildings –2007 results were as expected – RED Missing documentation Poor integration of documentation with FIMS –2008 started turning green
11 OSF Validation Lessons Learned –OSFs can be hard to define Document what is in the OSF Document inspections –OSFs can be hard to find –Pre-validation checks Be sure Red means there is a problem and not just an omission
12 OSF Validation Lessons Learned (continued) –Key places to review Usage Code –Drives UOM. If you change the code be sure the new UOM quantity is reasonable. Document your decisions. Quantity –Sanity check RPV –Sanity check. Just about any number is a good number as long as you know why you have it. Get engineering to sign off.
13 OSF Validation Interpretation of Results –OSFs do not always present results like Buildings and Trailers –OSFs will not add up or roll up because there is no common UOM, even within usage codes An each is not an each, LF of pipe is not a LF of pipe –Comparing RPV can be meaningless –Comparing DM can be meaningless DM using industry metrics? –ACI does not apply to OSFs
14 OSF Validation Concerns –RPV is not supported by models Reasonableness test Flag outliers for further review –Usage Codes UOM are not always descriptive
15 Lessons Learned Complete Source Documentation Worksheet –Streamlines process –Provides contact information to subject matter experts (SME) Develop source documentation notebook –Tab for each data element –Signed Memo, dated, clarifying process for obtaining source data by SME –Be prepared to go into detail on how you arrived at the values for the source data. FIMS
16 Questions?