DBT – dialectical behavioural therapy Colette Adrian 2012
Specifically designed for those with borderline personality disorder BPD is considered one of the most difficult disorders to treat People with this diagnosis often present with – suicide attempts, suicide threats, displays of hostility DBT is a form of CBT specifically for this group
Targets of skills training in DBT Mindfulness Distress tolerance Interpersonal effectiveness Emotion regulation techniques
Core skill of the therapist Validation validation validation The essence of validation is communicating that his or her private responses (emotions, thoughts, assumptions, actions) are understandable and reasonable. Has a number of benefits – the biggest being validation balances the therapist’s push for change
Validation strategies Emotional validation strategies Opportunities for expression, naming emotions, feelings are valid Behavioural validation strategies Accepting behaviour in non-judgemental manner Cognitive validation strategies Finding the kernel of truth Cheerleading strategies You are doing your best
Levels of validation Active observing- attentive, AWAKE Reflecting the observed – not judging merit or encouraging “is this how it is for you right now?” Articulating the unobserved – perceptively understand what is meant without the person having to explain things. Validation in terms of past – describe how behaviour makes sense given that in the past…. Validation in terms of present – this behaviour makes sense given what’s happening right now
Level 6 of validation Radical acceptance – you are what you are and I can handle it, and you can handle it. What’s done is done, and I’m still here, lets move forward together.