Recording, Organizing, and Analyzing Data. Data Tables Useful for communicating scientific data Used to organize and record observations and measurements.


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Presentation transcript:

Recording, Organizing, and Analyzing Data

Data Tables Useful for communicating scientific data Used to organize and record observations and measurements for an experiment. Useful for recording frequencies, times, amounts, etc.

Data Table Tips Decide how to organize table into rows and columns. Place the independent variable in the first column. Place the dependent variable or levels of the dependent variable in the next column(s). Divide the DV column to provide space for repeated trials.

More Data Table Tips Record statistical analysis in the final column (s) – averages (mean), median, mode, percentages, etc. Put units of measure in the column headings (instead of individual cells). Give table a number and descriptive title.

Data Table Example The experimental question is, “How will the storage temperature affect the number of watermelon seeds that will germinate?” The independent variable will be _________________________________. The dependent variable will be __________________________________. Multiple trials are conducted for the investigation. Title Format Table #: The effect of the (IV) on the (DV).

Data Table Example Storage temperature (ºC) Number of Watermelon Seeds That Germinate Average Number of Watermelon Seeds That Germinate Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Table 1: The Effect of Storage Temperature on the Germination of Watermelon Seeds

Name ______________________ Date _______________ Period ___ Making Data Tables Design data tables you could use to investigate the following hypotheses: 1. Hypothesis: If the mass of a book increases, then it will take longer to slide down a ramp, because friction will increase. 2. Hypothesis: If the water temperature is higher, then it takes less time for a seltzer tablet to dissolve, because temperature affects the rate of a chemical reaction. 3. Hypothesis: If a supersaturated solution is left undisturbed for longer, then bigger crystals will form around a string in the solution, because the molecules will have more time to rearrange themselves.