Writing Workshop Focus, Detail and Structure A story that draws readers close to listen has these qualities: -It is a small episode -It tells the parts that matter, leaves out those that do not -It is sequenced in a step-by-step way A story that draws readers close to listen has these qualities: -It is a small episode -It tells the parts that matter, leaves out those that do not -It is sequenced in a step-by-step way
Qualities of Good Personal Narrative Writing / Write a little seed story; don’t write all about a giant watermelon topic. / Zoom in so you tell the most important parts of the story. / Include true, exact details from the movie you have in your mind. / Write a little seed story; don’t write all about a giant watermelon topic. / Zoom in so you tell the most important parts of the story. / Include true, exact details from the movie you have in your mind.
Watermelon or Seed? / “Fun times I have with my dog.” / “When I first saw my dog at the Humane Society and I knew he was the one for me.” / “When the person who is my best friend arrived in our classroom and we met each other.” / “My best friend.” / “The year I was on the soccer team and we won six games and lost two.” / “I broke my leg and went to the hospital and had to use crutches for a month.” / “The time I was playing with Nolan at recess and she and I found a quarter frozen in the ice so we chipped it out of the ice.” / “Fun times I have with my dog.” / “When I first saw my dog at the Humane Society and I knew he was the one for me.” / “When the person who is my best friend arrived in our classroom and we met each other.” / “My best friend.” / “The year I was on the soccer team and we won six games and lost two.” / “I broke my leg and went to the hospital and had to use crutches for a month.” / “The time I was playing with Nolan at recess and she and I found a quarter frozen in the ice so we chipped it out of the ice.”