Helen Race HACE 8
Carbohydrates Main source of energy for the body Helps build body strength Protects your muscles Sources: –Brown rice –Muesli –Oats Body breaks down into simple sugars Two types: –Simple(Sugars) –Complex(Starches)
Fats Supplies us with energy Helps nervous system and brain develop properly Sources: –Nuts, oils, dairy, meat Important for growth in children Five types: –Saturated/ Unsaturated –Trans fatty acids –Bottom line –Recommendation
Protein Builds up, maintains and replaces body tissue Produce protein molecules Sources: –Beef –Poultry –Dairy Products –Nuts/ Seeds Long train of molecules made of amino acids Two types: –Complete/ Incomplete
Fibre Prevents diabetes and heart disease Moves food through the digestive system Sources –Whole grain breads and cereals –Fruits (apples, bananas, berries etc.) Carbohydrates that can not be digested Two Categories –Soluble/ Insoluble
Vitamins Maintains normal body function Help with reproduction, growth and cell repair Examples of Vitamins: –Vitamin A (cantaloupe, carrots) –Vitamin D (fish, egg yolks) –Vitamin C (oranges, strawberries) –B Vitamins (whole grains, seafood) Two categories: –Fat-soluble –Water-soluble
Minerals Build skeletal and soft tissue Control heart beat, oxygen transport etc. Examples of minerals: –Calcium (dairy, leafy greens) –Magnesium (nuts, soy beans, cocoa) –Potassium (whole grains, bananas) –Sodium (table salt, milk, spinach) Chemical elements needed by living things
Water Reduces sodium build-up Helps eliminate waste and toxins from body Sources –Fruits (watermelon) –Vegetables (celery) –Bottled/ tap water One of the most common substances on earth Many types: –Mineral –Fluoridated –Distilled –Artesian
Bibliography carbohydrates.htmlhttp:// carbohydrates.html