AONTAS, the Irish National Adult Learning Organisation NGO established members nationwide Core-funded by Government through SOLAS, the Further Education and Training Authority The mission of AONTAS is to advocate for the right of adults in Ireland to quality learning throughout their lives, and to promote the value and benefits of lifelong learning
18% of Irish adults are at or below Level 1 on the literacy scale. No statistic al differen ce betwee n the scores of males and females. Adults betwee n the ages of years have highest literacy score while adults aged years have the lowest score 25% of Irish adults score at or below Level 1 on the numeracy scale. Males score higher than females by 12 points, adults aged years have highest numeracy score while adults aged years have the lowest scores. 42% of Irish adults scored at or below Level 1 on the problem solving in technology- rich environments (PS-TRE) scale. Males scored higher than females. 10% of adults surveyed said they had no computer experience, 5% failed the assessment and 17% opted not to take a computer based assessment OECD The OECD has cautioned that the levels of PS-TRE are affected by the % of respondents who opted out of the computer based assessment. Therefore, the PS-TRE scores are not representative of the full population of computer users across the country.
2012 – Launch of ‘Intreo’, one stop shop for unemployed 2013 – Establishment of Quality and Qualifications Ireland Establishment of SOLAS (the Further Education and Training Authority) 2013 – Establishment of Education and Training Boards 2014 – Launch of FET Strategy
4,000 volunteers 1,500 paid tutors 46,000 adults attend ETB literacy programmes (2014) Literacy and Numeracy Strategy built into FET Strategy based on review recommendations Review of adult literacy provision (DES, 2013) First initiated after White Paper, Learning for Life (2000)
National promotional and awareness campaign Broaden access routes to include blended and distance learning Advocacy Access Target better outcomes through accredited provision and progression routes Outcomes Integrate literacy and numeracy into FET programmesIntegration Develop fit for purpose assessment and screening systems Assessment
Develop data collection systems to better support review and evaluation Research Provide clear policy and provision for ESOL Evaluation Prioritise and increase numeracy provision ESOL Ensure quality through staff training and CPD Provision CPD Identify and develop priority research with a focus on improving literacy and numeracy practice
Pillar 1: Promoting adult learning opportunities Pillar 2: Promoting the benefits of Reading Pillar 3: Promoting workplace learning Pillar 4: Promoting good health and financial literacy
Learn Everyday Learn for Life Brand Partnerships Celebrity Endorsements TV Programmes Online Marketing Advertising
Project One – One Step Up National Co-ordinator DES Steering Committee - chaired by DES Partners ETBI AONTAS NALA
Project One - Outcomes One Step Up Referral Service Training of Learning Ambassadors Encourage a Learner Campaign Promotion and Dissemination Strategy
Basic Skills
Project Two – National Co-ordinator AONTAS Project Advisory Group - chaired by AONTAS Partners ETBI AONTAS NALA
Project Two - Activities Development of OneStepUp and promotional campaign Exploring PIAAC results and organising dissemination seminars Support ETBs to organise promotional events Reporting at year end
Feedback I find it easier to talk to someone (R1 Ambassador) Questions are easy to ask on the phone, not so easy face to face. It help to break the ice (R11 Ambassador) The learner stories are very powerful and inspirational. I love this feature of the site. Its so good that the site's easy to navigate (R4 In education and training)
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