Challenges for European Music Education Challenges for European Music Education
Modernisation of the education systems has been asked over the last years, in order to cope with the needs of a changing society Modernisation of the education systems has been asked over the last years, in order to cope with the needs of a changing society Each Member State shall act according to the principle of subsidiarity Each Member State shall act according to the principle of subsidiarity A new political ambition
Traditional training and education Traditional training and education Creation and reinforcement of civic competences: unbiased judgement, ability to identify realistic and imaginative solutions, single-minded determination to serve the common good in the interest of present and future generations Creation and reinforcement of civic competences: unbiased judgement, ability to identify realistic and imaginative solutions, single-minded determination to serve the common good in the interest of present and future generations Schools civic responsibilities in the future
Arts education promotes… Creativity, flexible thinking and adaptability – innovation, growth and competitiveness Creativity, flexible thinking and adaptability – innovation, growth and competitiveness Communication skills Communication skills Respect for diversity and inter-cultural understanding Respect for diversity and inter-cultural understanding Establishment of identity Establishment of identity
Enjoyment, participation, Enjoyment, participation, leisure and lifelong learning… …and, last but not least…
Start an an early age, especially for those who want to become professionals Start an an early age, especially for those who want to become professionals Be perceived as a continuum, with integration at the different levels of the school curriculum Be perceived as a continuum, with integration at the different levels of the school curriculum Music Education should…
Key Competences The Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 on key competences for lifelong learning sets out 8 key competencies The Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 on key competences for lifelong learning sets out 8 key competencies One of these key competences is “Cultural awareness and expression” One of these key competences is “Cultural awareness and expression”
Cultural awareness and expression Definition : “Appreciation of the importance of the creative expression of ideas, experiences and emotions in a range of media, including music, performing arts, literature and the visual arts” Definition : “Appreciation of the importance of the creative expression of ideas, experiences and emotions in a range of media, including music, performing arts, literature and the visual arts” The competence implies also the development of essential knowledge, skills and attitudes The competence implies also the development of essential knowledge, skills and attitudes
European Year will be dedicated to creativity and innovation 2009 will be dedicated to creativity and innovation The Commission intends to bring to the fore the importance of cultural awareness and expression in the frame of the activities to be developed in 2009 The Commission intends to bring to the fore the importance of cultural awareness and expression in the frame of the activities to be developed in 2009
The Open Method of Coordination Synergies between education and culture will be explored, namely thorugh the exchange of information on relevant policies Synergies between education and culture will be explored, namely thorugh the exchange of information on relevant policies The OMC could therefore further support the implementation of the key competence "Cultural awareness and expression". The OMC could therefore further support the implementation of the key competence "Cultural awareness and expression".
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