Instructors’ General Perceptions on Students’ Self-Awareness Frances Feng-Mei Choi HUNGKUANG UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH
Outline Introduction Literature review Methodology Results and discussion Conclusion
Introduction Statement of the problem Research question Purpose of the study Importance and significance
1. A junior college is being upgraded in two phases, to an institute of technology initially and then to a university of technology. 2. One measure for promoting educational quality is a demand for a higher quality of students and students need an effective learning motivation.
Introduction Statement of the problem Research question Purpose of the study Importance and significance
Research Question How do instructors in the University of Technology perceive the success of students’ academic self- awareness?
Introduction Statement of the problem Research question Purpose of the study Importance and significance
Purpose of the Study The purpose of this study was to analyze the instructors’ perceptions of students’ self-awareness in the Universities of Technology. This analysis would provide indicators of instructors’ perceptions during advising process.
Introduction Statement of the problem Research question Purpose of the study Importance and significance
Importance and Significance of the Study This study will provide valuable information to the Ministry of Education, in its role of educational administration and solidifying its relationships with its instructors.
Literature Review-1 Knight (2002) pointed out that teachers expect students to focus on professional disciplines that value procedural knowledge. Nearly 30 percent of college freshmen take remedial course in mathematics, reading, or writing, and even the most elite institutions spend substantial resources to offer them (Zusman, 1999). Shen (1998) and Huang (2000) emphasized the importance of systematic education reform evaluation. The Taiwan Ministry of Education (2001, May) demonstrated that in the program of ‘Pursuing Excellence in Higher Educational Development’ it is the responsibility of higher education to guide social development, to cultivate higher level experts and to enhance the national competitive capability.
Literature Review-2 The literature review encompassed the studies and information relevant to the educational quality related to students’ academic preparation after implementing the higher educational reforms.
Methodology - Design Quantitative research paradigm and descriptive / correlational methods Population and sample
Methodology - Design Quantitative research paradigm and descriptive / correlational methods Population and sample
The population base for this study consisted of full-time faculty in 14 higher institutions.
Analysis and Statistical Procedure a self-administered questionnaire was used and all demographics were compiled from Questions 1-6. Questions 7-12 were used to score respondents’ perceptions of students’ self-awareness. A positive perception was defined by at least 60% positive response rate within that domain.
Null Hypothesis There was no experimentally important or consistent predictability of instructors’ perceptions on students’ self- awareness, when using demographic variables herein as predictor variables.
A Priori Definitions Experimental importance. Experimental importance was defined as 60% correct predictability. Experimental consistency. Experimental consistency was set at the =.05 level.
Results and Discussion Distribution of Survey Nine institutions 100 x 6, 50 x 3 April , at Central Taiwan Return rate 66% (497/750)
Results and Discussion Demographics - 1 Age: 41 (26-63) Years of teaching in HE: 11 (1-37) Gender Male 65%, Female 35% College affiliation Science/Eng 59%, Business 19%, Liberal Arts 17%, Others 5%
Results and Discussion Demographics - 2 Educational background Master 64%, PhD 31%, Bachelor 5% Academic rank Lecturer 65%, Assoc Prof 18%, Assist Prof 14%, Full Prof 2%
QuestionAnswerFrequencyPercentage 7. Students’ self-awareness has improved in general. Yes6914% No30461% Uncertain12325% Total496100% 8. Students have sufficiently prepared themselves to meet the needs of changing society. Yes6714% No25952% Uncertain17134% Total497100% 9. Students are now more motivated in their chosen fields than prior to the educational reform. Yes11623% No23648% Uncertain14529% Total497100% 10. Students’ preparation for class has been improved. Yes5812% No33267% Uncertain10721% Total497100% 11. Students are well prepared for the technology during the next five years. Yes6012% No28457% Uncertain15331% Total497100% 12. Instructors believe students are being well prepared for the future. Yes14630% No34470% Total490100% Table 1 Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ Self-Awareness
Table 2 The Percentages of Positive Responses of Students’ Awareness as Determined by Questions 7-12 Q7 Quality improved Q8 Prepared society Q9 More motivation Q10 Preparation for class Q11 Preparation Tech changes Q12 Students well-prepared Overall percent positive 14% 23%12% 30% Percent decisive75%66%71%79%69%100% Percent positive18%21%33%15%17%30% Percent negative82%79%67%85%83%70% Difference-63%-59%-34%-70%-65%-40% Average-58%
Figure 1
Results and Discussion Comparison between Primary Domains
Results and Discussion Descriptive Analysis
Results and Discussion Descriptive Analysis (continued)
Results and Discussion Decisive and Indecisive Analysis (Q11 &12)
Summary and Suggestions Students’ quality should be a major concern in the university of technology system Shared with instructors, administration, and administrators
Summary and Suggestions (continued) Provide inservice training and professional development for HE instructors Funding to those who are highly motivated Qualitative research needed for future