Art in public schools in the United States plays a big role in a student’s life and health; thus, the elimination of the arts has resulted in many negative academic effects on students, thereby, solutions to re-instate art should be brought forth.
“Art promotes self esteem, art stimulates both sides of the brain,” (Kids and Art, 2009, para. 1). Helps students release stress “33% of students are visual learners,” (Kids and Art, 2009, para. 1).
Budget crisis No Child Left Behind Art teachers-laid off Students are not receiving the benefits art brings & are facing stressful academic days without a break
Community meetings that will recruit funders After school art programs Educate others about the different ways art is beneficial to students
References Kids and Art, (2009). 20 Reasons why Art is Important for Children. Artsz. Retrieved April 2, 2012.