Faculty of Arts and Science Wait List Pilot Project
Faculty of Arts and Science We wait listed 27 classes; 17 fall term classes and 10 winter term classes. We used single-term, single-section classes that were identified as being high-demand classes. 10% of course capacity was set for Wait list spaces. (eg. Class capacity = 200; WL spaces = 20) We created a Wait List Policy and FAQs for students that were posted on our web site. The wait list function was initiated at 12:01 am on July 28, when the reserve capacities expired. Students who were auto-enrolled from the wait list into a winter term class were ed automatically and informed that they were enrolled in the class.
as at 26 Jan 2015Fall Term Classes (17)Winter Term Classes (10) Placed on WL Enrolled from WL % Success58%52% Top ReasonCourse Full Student Attempts to go on WL % Success2% Top ReasonNot Checked ‘Enroll from WL’ Second ReasonWL fullAppointment Limit Third ReasonRequisitesWL full Faculty of Arts and Science
How did it go? Overall we considered the wait list project to be a success; Process was fair to all students; Students did not need to continually watch SOLUS to see if a space opened up in the class they wanted; Less pressure on administrative staff/instructors to over enroll a class; False sense of hope? Student who didn’t use swap in the case of a time conflict was never enrolled in the class; Admin staff advised not to ‘bypass’ wait list. Faculty of Arts and Science
Plans for We plan to add waiting lists to all single-term, on campus classes where applicable. The wait list will be initiated at 12:01 am July 27 when the reserve capacities expire. As part of our information to students, we will stress the importance of using ‘swap’ when wait listing. Faculty of Arts and Science