Suchitra Chakma Assistant teacher Tintila govt. prima ry schol Longadu upzilla Rangamati Suchitra Chakma Assistant teacher Tintila govt. prima ry schol Longadu upzilla Rangamati
SUB-ENGLISH FOR TODAY CLASS:-2 TIME-50 minutes Lesson Unit-6 (Shapes and sizes) Lesson :- 1 & 2 Page no :- ( 34-36)
Learning Outcomes - Student will be able To draw circle, square, triangle, and rectangle To recognize & say circle, square, triangle, and rectangle To learn words meaning & spelling (circle, square, triangle, and rectangle etc
With shapes video
A Square A triangle A Rectangle A circle বর্গ ত্রিবুজ আয়তাকার বৃত্ত Do you say what are the pictures name?
This is a circle INPUT-10 minutes What is this? বৃত্ ত What is this? This is a triangle ত্রিবুজ
4 sites are the same 2 long 2 short A Square A Rectangle I will discuss about the picture
What’s this ? Look, point and say. A square or a triangle ? Circle or a square ? a square or a rectangle a triangle or a square ? Circle or a square ?
বৃত্ত বর্গ ত্রিবু জ আয়তাকার A Square A Triangle A Rectangle A circle Practice- wcw Lets draw Shapes Practice wcw
Which one is a square ? Which one is a triangle ?
Square, Rectangle, Square, Circle Open your book (Page no.35) And practice in pairs
LEARNING ASSESSMENT Time-10 minutes LEARNING ASSESSMENT Time-10 minutes What is this ?
HOME WORK These shapes are home work tomorrow (Square, Triangle, Rectangle & Circle)