November, 2006 MTAC Workgroup 99 Streamline Acceptance / Verification of Periodicals and Postage Payment Postage in PostalOne!
2 Process review Step 1: Mail.dat used for Verification and Payment Step 2: Bookweight Final Step 3: Ad % Final Step 4: Marked “ready to pay” and DMU Finalizes Postage Statements Consolidated Postage at Issue Level Shorter Time Line
3 Highlights of Achievements Book Weights –Defined a process for capturing book weights –Defined a process to communicate weights to stakeholders (publishers) –Standardized usage of fields in mail.dat –Modified mail.dat Specification to support equivalent weight books –Created a worksheet for DMU Clerks Ad Percentage Capture –Defined a process for publishers to input advertising percentage via PostalOne! –Defined a process to communicate advertising percentage to pertinent stakeholders
4 Highlights of Achievements Payment –Defined 2 approaches for payment » Debit at each container ship date » Consolidate across shipments within a plant –Establish a profile for CPP customers Reports –Defined an approach to present consolidated reports with drill capabilities per issue Auditors –Obtained concurrence on process from BPA/ABC –Delegation approach for Auditors to view reports
5 Next Steps Periodicals Postage enabled via Mail.dat in PostalOne! Enhancements in PostalOne! 11.0 (Dec. 2006) –Pay Standard Mail Rates during Pending Period –Postage Statement details (Frequency, # of Automation Rate Pieces, # of Carrier Route Pieces etc) –Detail Reports (Version Summary – name, description, weight, #, advertising percentage) –Support Enclosures
6 Next Steps Sunset Group Transition to PostalOne! User Group –Subgroup for Periodicals –Complete requirements & design for CPP mailers –Deploy in future release of PostalOne! Complete Mail.dat Specification Support –Version Identifier –Weight Equivalent Components –Verification Date Request –Ready to Accept Status
7 Benefits & Vision Slide PostalOne! automatically consolidates Postage Statements to Issue level Furthers the characteristics of a true end-to- end electronic workflow Postage Statement Detail (edition and entry level) available in PostalOne! Postage is credited to the correct finance number and CAPS account Certified by audit bureaus Available to anyone in your organization who is authorized to view data