The Prokaryotes 11a: Archaea & Gram Positives
Criteria for classification and identification of microorganisms morphology
Criteria for classification and identification of microorganisms morphology Others: fragmentation, spores, etc.
Criteria for classification and identification of microorganisms morphology
Criteria for classification and identification of microorganisms morphology
Criteria for classification and identification of microorganisms differential & special staining biochemical tests metabolism-based serology-based comparing nucleic acids rDNA (small subunit & large subunit) (phage typing)
American Type Culture Collection (
Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology
Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology
Pyrodictium Geogemma P: Crenarcheota Ignicoccus
Methanobacterium Methanopyrus Halobacterium P: Euryarcheota Haloarcula
Recently discovered Phylum: Nanoarcheota: some of smallest cells known (“nano” = 1/billionth -> implies “very small” ) Species: Nanoarcheum equitans From the report in Nature (5/2/02): Found “on the surface of another Archaean called Ignicoccus (green), whose cells are about 2 millionths of a metre (2 m) across. Each cell sported 30 to 50 Nanoarcheota cells (red).” “The organisms are about 400 billionths of a metre (0.4 m) across - more than six million would fit on the head of a pin.”
P: Firmicutes = low G+C Gram + s Clostridium & allies Clostridium tetani Clostridium perfringens Clostridium difficile Clostridium botulinum
Epulopiscium Veillonella Paramecium (larger than most human cells) P: Firmicutes = low G+C Gram + s Clostridium & allies
P: Firmicutes = low G+C Gram + s Mycoplasma pneumoniae, M. hominis, M. genitalium Ureaplasma sp.
P: Firmicutes = low G+C Gram + s Bacillus anthracis PA = protective antigen EF = edema factor LF = lethal factor
P: Firmicutes = low G+C Gram + s Bacilli B. megaterium B. thuringensis =“Bt” B. cereus B.c. var. mycoides B. subtilis B. stearo- thermophilus
P: Firmicutes = low G+C Gram + s Bacilli Lactobacillus Streptococcus Lactococcus Hemolysis groups: , , Lancefield groups Group A (GAS): S. pyogenes Group B (GBS): S. agalactiae Group D: Enterococci & others No Lancefield group: S. pneumoniae Viridans group: eg: S. mutans
P: Firmicutes = low G+C Gram + s Bacilli Listeria Staphylococcus aureus S. epidermidis
P: Actinobacteria = High G+C Gram + s Mycobacterium M. leprae M. tuberculosis M. avium-intracellulare
P: Actinobacteria = High G+C Gram + s Corynebacterium Propionibacterium Gardnerella Micrococcus Bifidobacterium
P: Actinobacteria = High G+C Gram + s Actinobacteria -> “actinomycetes” Streptomyces Actinomyces Nocardia