Mrs. Trisha Sabel Kiel Area School District
Participatory Learning Continuation of Classroom Learning Self-Directed Learning
Web Logs: digital journal Collaborate Share/Demonstrate Understanding
Free Social Learning for K- 12 Education Set up classes Students can collaborate Log reflections of their learning Immediate feedback Tutorial Tutorial
YouTube allows students to share (visual) logs of what they have learned Do you think this student will remember details about what he learned about The Battle of Bull Run? Students can collaborate by commenting on videos
Use Delicious or other social bookmarking sites to access favorites from any computer Create tags (folders) to organize Provide students with a start to their research project or additional information
Use it to network with professionals in your content area Use it to remind students of upcoming tests, projects or activities Real time-read it now abilities Set up to send text message
Friend parents Use it to communicate about your class Kids will follow too Be sure to manage
Free with Lightspeed Similar to Facebook in layout Similar to Edmodo with some other features that may make it even better!