Making blanket data revisions using the property identifications by COLOR. TRIFLEX® WINDOWS PipingSolutions, Inc. 01 July
Here we have mistakes in the wall thickness of the pipe. TRIFLEX® WINDOWS PipingSolutions, Inc. 01 July Notice that the light blue color shows that a different wall thickness has been entered.
Here we have mistakes in the Temperature for Load Case No. 1 TRIFLEX® WINDOWS PipingSolutions, Inc. 01 July The colors show that all the pipe is the same temperature. The pipe stanchions should not be the same temperature.
Here we have mistakes in the Coeff. of Expansion for Load Case No. 1 TRIFLEX® WINDOWS PipingSolutions, Inc. 01 July Notice that the light blue color shows that a different Coeff. of Exp. has been entered. The yellow color at the stanchions is correct. Since a different temperature should be at the stanchions.
Here we have mistakes in the Contents or Specific Gravity for Load Case No. 1 TRIFLEX® WINDOWS PipingSolutions, Inc. 01 July Notice that the light blue color shows that a different specific gravity has been entered. The light blue color at the stanchions is correct. Since a different specific gravity should be at the stanchions.
Now note that by careful node numbering, I have all the stanchions input after the piping system. So I can do the stanchions all at one time. TRIFLEX® WINDOWS PipingSolutions, Inc. 01 July Pipe size 6 inch First N.P. 5 and the Last N.P. 185 Pipe size 3 inch First end N.P. 200
Note how I can change all the stanchions at one time by Rippling from component line no. 38 thru component line no. 43. TRIFLEX® WINDOWS PipingSolutions, Inc. 01 July Ripple to component line no. 43. Ripple from component line no. 38.
Change the specific gravity, and insulation of all the stanchions at once. TRIFLEX® WINDOWS PipingSolutions, Inc. 01 July Ripple to component line no. 43.
Change the temperature of all the stanchions at once. TRIFLEX® WINDOWS PipingSolutions, Inc. 01 July Ripple to component line no. 43.
Here we have mistakes in the wall thickness. And we can change all the same size pipe at once. TRIFLEX® WINDOWS PipingSolutions, Inc. 01 July
Change all the same size pipe at once. By rippling from component line no. 1 to component line no. 37. TRIFLEX® WINDOWS PipingSolutions, Inc. 01 July Ripple to component line no. 37.
Change all the same size pipe at once. By rippling from component line no. 1 to component line no. 37. TRIFLEX® WINDOWS PipingSolutions, Inc. 01 July Ripple to component line no. 37.
Note all the same size wall thickness for each size pipe as it should be. TRIFLEX® WINDOWS PipingSolutions, Inc. 01 July
Note all the same temperature except for the stanchions which is as it should be. TRIFLEX® WINDOWS PipingSolutions, Inc. 01 July
Note all the same Coeff. Of Exp. except for the stanchions which is as it should be. TRIFLEX® WINDOWS PipingSolutions, Inc. 01 July
Note all the same Specific Gravity except for the stanchions which is as it should be. TRIFLEX® WINDOWS PipingSolutions, Inc. 01 July