My target audience is for people of an adult age (18-60) who are looking for solutions for any problems to do with computers (viruses, software, Wi-Fi, hardware etc.) The purpose of my website is to show the customer what the company can do for them and show them a safe and secure way to fix any problems and go safely online.
On the first page of my website I will include a video of what this site will do for any costumers that have just clicked on this website. I am doing this because it is easier for potential clients to see and witness what my website can do for them. This will also improve the website because it will make it more accessible and make it more professional an potentially make a better layout. I have also got a Facebook and twitter link on the right and left hand side so that they could go the the websites pages on social network sites and see the latest news and updates. Also I have different links to my different website pages in the top part of my website in a row. This makes the site much more accessible and easier to use.
home I.T store I.T adviceAsk us Viruses Software Programm es Internet Devises Wi fi Screen Rotor Pc Laptop headphones Mouse's keyboards computers laptops Routers Gaming pc,s
Toms I.T support home I.T store I.T advice Ask us What we do Browse our products A short description about what our website can do for the user and a about our different services, Links and pictures for products that are up for sale on our store. Website Logo
Toms I.T support home I.T store I.T advice Ask us mouse's Keyboards Website Logo Website Logo Images of different mouse’s Images of different keyboards.
Toms I.T support home I.T store I.T advice Ask us Computers Laptops Website Logo Website Logo Images of different computers Images of different laptops
Toms I.T support home I.T store I.T advice Ask us Routers Gaming pc’s Website Logo Website Logo Images of different routers Images of different keyboards.
Toms I.T support home I.T store I.T advice Ask us Software Hardware Website Logo Website Logo Different types of software Different types of hardware.
Toms I.T support home I.T store I.T advice Ask us Website Logo Website Logo Information about asking a question and location of our store map. Question box
Toms I.T support home I.T store I.T advice Ask us What we do What we do Browse our products Browse our products A short description about what our website can do for the user and a about our different services, Links and pictures for products that are up for sale on our store. Website Logo Website Logo Website Logo Website Logo
Toms I.T support home I.T store I.T advice Ask us Keyboards Keyboards Images of different mouse's Images of different keyboards Website Logo Website Logo Website Logo Website Logo mouse's
Toms I.T support home I.T store I.T advice Ask us Laptops Laptops Images of different computers Images of different laptops Website Logo Website Logo Website Logo Website Logo Computers
Toms I.T support home I.T store I.T advice Ask us Gaming pc’s Gaming pc’s Images of different routers Images of different gaming pc’s Website Logo Website Logo Website Logo Website Logo Routers
Toms I.T support home I.T store I.T advice Ask us Hardware Hardware Different software’s Different pieces of hardware Website Logo Website Logo Website Logo Website Logo Software
Toms I.T support home I.T store I.T advice Ask us Website Logo Website Logo Website Logo Website Logo Information about asking a question and location of our store map. Question box
Facebook logo- Twitter log- Red colour for the background- Blue colour for the background- Photos for store products- Clock-