Gender Cultural programming of being feminine or masculine, which created by society rather than nature. “Not because it is natural to do so, because I was taught to do so.”
Traditional Gender Roles Men Rational, strong, protective, and decisive (penentu) Male Domination Position in economic, political, and social power
Traditional Gender Roles Women Emotional, irrational, weak, nurturing (pemeliharaan), and submissive. Women’s excluding Leadership, decision making position, higher wages for the same jobs, not convince to mathematics and engineering.
Sexist as the Concept of Patriarchy Women inferior to men based on biological essentialism (biological differences) between sexes. WeakSize, shape, and body chemistry Strong LessIntelligent, logical, courageous (berani), leaders More
The Conception of Sexist in Patriarchy Human however is unconsciously socially programmed to justify weak assumption toward women. Forces women’s self confidence to point to the absence of their weak qualities as proof that women are naturally submissive.
The Conception of Sexist in Patriarchy Movies, TV shows, books, magazine, and advertisements.
The Conception of Sexist in Patriarchy More strong (No cry - sissies, sign of weaknesses) Strong and Powerful Less Strong (women is weak and prone to be emotional). TabooFear and pain feeling Common TabooExpressing Sympathy Common
The Conception of Sexist in Patriarchy Not PermittedFail as an implication of failure (ex : Providing adequate economical support) Permitted ActiveSexPassive Permitted & Encouraged (Produce aggressive behaviour associated with manhood) Anger and Emotion Not Permitted
The Conception of Sexist of Fairy Tales FemaleMale Submissive Tolerate familial abuse Wait to be rescued by man Marriage as the only desirable reward Charming Strong Wealthy
Identities of Women Good Girls ( gentle, submissive, virginal, angelic) Bad Girls (violent, aggressive, monstrous, worldly) No sexual desire, modest, unassuming, self sacrificing, nurturing, no needs of her own, never angry. Multiple sexual partner, jealousy.