BACKING UP YOUR COURSE IS IMPORTANT Once course material or results are deleted they are irretrievable. If you have not been saving important information or backing up throughout the semester you are strongly advised to do so as you approach the end of the semester.
BENEFITS OF BACKING UP You will have more control over your course information. You can easily retrieve grades and student logs to clear up any discrepancies. You will have a saved instance of how the course appears before it is modified for a new round of delivery.
HOW TO BACKUP Step 1 Locate the Administration block. Within it the Backup link is the 6 th item from the bottom. Click on it once. Step 2 The default items are already selected. Make modifications to the selections as desired. Click on Next. Step 3 A page with all the items in the course will appear. Modify IF needed then click on Next. Step 4 You may change the default filename if you desire. Scroll down and click on Perform backup.
HOW TO BACKUP (cont’d) Step 5 Progress bar will appear to show status of backup. Once confirmation is received click on Continue. Step 6 You can download the file from the Course backup area section. OR you may leave it as it is and it will automatically move to your User private backup area. Congratulations !! You have just backed up your course successfully!!
ALSO… You can also secure and save the grades from your course in a more user-friendly format by exporting the grades from the Grade book. The information using this method can be saved as an Excel spreadsheet, plain text file amongst others.
SAVE! As with any other scenario, remember saving is key and will ensure that you are prepared for any issues that may arise tomorrow.