Subject /Grade Lesson Plans Teachers:
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Strand 8-, 14, 16, Fig. 19 SE 8A 14 A, B, C, D, E, 16 A Process-Fig. 19 A, B, C, D, E, F Hut is attached for detailed lesson Bellwork-Each Day- Daily Oral Language in which students will correct parts of speech errors. Individual coat of arms Read-My Name by Sandra Cisneros Group work-Complete character frame-Write 10 metaphors for Esperanza’s name Group-Complete a coat of Arms for Esperanza Read Jorge (Teacher reads), then students silent read-highlight golden words/lines Whole class sharing Complete individual coat of arm using own name SubjectELAR DATE:8-26 SE WARM-UPActivity Assessment LANGUAGE OBJ S speaking W writing R reading L listening C3gC3HC4KC2I Homework Essential Question? What images are created in my mind when I read paragraph__? What information did I not understand in the article?
7.6B-Analyzethe development of plot through the internal external responses of the characters, including their motivations and conflicts 7.14A,B,C,D,E,-Writing Process Bellwork -Read comprehension-Short articles with comprehension questions Activity Continued here Thurs.- Writing-Brainstorm-whole class- Complete outline And rough Draft (IND) Finish for homework Fri.-Peer edit the rough draft- review comments and complete final draft 1.Group work 2.Individual coat of arms 3.Personal narratives Tues.-Complete Esperanza’s coat of arms, Individual student coat of arms and character frames. Wed.-Vocabulary-Read Jorge-highlight golden words/lines. Discuss similarities/differences between the two personal stories. Writing-Personal essay exploring your name-Include facts, personal experiences, fanciful explorations and an analysis of how your name has affected you. Personal coat of arms-any assignments not done in class can be finished at home. Subject: ELA DATE:Week of 9/2/13 SEWARM-UPActivity Assessment LANGUAGE OBJ S speaking W writing R reading L listening c3Hc5Gc4GC2h Homework Essential Question? Am I reading creatively by adding information to the text base don my prior knowledge and experiences?
7.17A Write a multipargraph essay to convey information about a topic that presents effective introductions and concluding paragraphs 7.14B Develop drafts 7.14C Revise drafts 7.14D Edit drafts 7.2B Use context to determine or clarify meaning 7.10C Use different organizational patterns as guides for summarizing expository text Fig.19D-Make complex inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding Bellwork this week are daily oral language. Mon-DOL-Edit sentences-practice reading skills Tues-DOL-Edit/Reading Skills Wed-DOL-Edit/Reading Skills Thurs-Edit/Reading Skills Friday-Identifying mistakes/language use practice/correcting mistakes At the end of the week, we will review the Daily Progress record to see how well students performed Reading Comp Mon-Handout new bellwork packet and homework newsletter. Continue with writing from last week. Tues-Bellwork, Finalize writing Wed-Reading Comp –(Thank You, Ma’am) practice for assessment next week. Reading comp passage- vocabulary focused. SubjectELAR DATE:wk of SEWARM-UPActivity Assessment LANGUAGE OBJ S speaking W writing R reading L listening Homework Essential Question? What or which words in paragraph___ help the reader to understand what ___mean? Read the dictionary definition for _____. Which definition represents the meaning of the word as it is used in the story?
7.2E –Use a dictionary, glossary, or a thesaurus to determine meaning etc. For Wednesday’s reading, students will complete story frames throughout the reading-similar to a plot line chart Thurs-Bellwork, Review yesterday’s reading assignment. Go over reading strategies for test taking with students. Fri-Bellwork-Review and grade homework. If time left in class-go over grades with students SubjectELAR (Cont’d) DATE:9/9/2013 SEWARM-UPActivity Assessment LANGUAGE OBJ S speaking W writing R reading L listening Homework Essential Question?
Writing response-write a narrative about a time when someone taught you right from wrong? Writing focus-creating complete sentences and learning how to edit. Subject DATE: SEWARM-UPActivity Assessment LANGUAGE OBJ S speaking W writing R reading L listening C3GC5FC4FC2E Homework Essential Question? What did (character) mean when he/she said? What can you conclude about?
7.19A-Identify,use and understand the function of various parts of speech 7.2B-Use context to determine or clarify meaning Fig.19D-Make complex inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding 7.3B-Describe conventions in myths and epic tales(mini benchmark) Bellwork-Mon-Thurs-Edit sentences and practice language and reading skills Fri-identify mistakes, language use practice, correcting mistakes Pair and individual practice and creation of various types of hooks Mon-New Bellwork packet, Grammar packets to students and introduce students to the writing of hooks Tues-mini benchmark Wed.-Bellwork-Grammar and hooks Thurs-Bellwork-Reading-Main idea, hooks Fri.-Bellwork-grammar, hooks Read passage Subject ELAR DATE: week of SEWARM-UPActivity Assessment LANGUAGE OBJ S speaking W writing R reading L listening C3BC5EC4GC3G Homework Essential Question? What is the main idea of the passage? Provide text evidence
Subject DATE: SEWARM-UPActivity Assessment LANGUAGE OBJ S speaking W writing R reading L listening Homework Essential Question?
Subject DATE: SEWARM-UPActivity Assessment LANGUAGE OBJ S speaking W writing R reading L listening Homework Essential Question?