BASIC ASSUMPTIONS OF ADULT LEARNERS Self-concept: dependence independence; self-directed Rich resource of experiences: Foundation for learning Readiness to learn: Associated with developmental tasks of social roles & responsibilities Use the information immediately and for practical applications of their job
Are autonomous and self- directed Have a foundation of life experiences and knowledge from which they draw Are goal-oriented Are relevancy-oriented Are practical Vary in expression and style Deserve respect ADULT LEARNERS
Actively involve participants – early and often. Be a facilitator, rather than ‘teacher.’ Understand who your participants are and what they would want to learn. Offer opportunities for reflection. AUTONOMOUS AND SELF-DIRECTED
Recognize and acknowledge the value of experiences and knowledge participants bring. Encourage participants to draw on their experiences and knowledge related to the topic. RESOURCES: LIFE EXPERIENCES
A trainer must… Be organized. Have clearly defined goals, objectives, and agenda for the training. Show participants how it will help them achieve their goals. GOAL-DIRECTED
Make sure participants see the relevance of: Training Topics Activities Teaching methods RELEVANCY-ORIENTED
Tell participants explicitly how the training and individual activities will be useful to them on the job. PRACTICAL
External vs. internal processors Brainstormers Quiet thinkers Questioners Verbal vs. written responders Challengers Naysayers EXPRESSION AND STYLE
Adults NEED respect! Acknowledge the wealth of knowledge and experiences that participants bring to the training. Treat the participants as equals rather than subordinates. RESPECT
Learning is not a spectator sport. The more actively engaged the learner is, the more learning takes place. Use many different instructional methodologies to ensure greater rates of retention. ACTIVE LEARNING
HOW PEOPLE LEARN Lecture 5% Reading 10% Audiovisual 20% Demonstration 30% Discussion group 50% Practice by doing 75% Teaching others 90% * National Training Laboratories for Applied Behavioral Sciences, Alexandria, VA.
1.Self-directed 2.Experiential 3.Interactive learning 4.Multiple learning styles 5.Critical thinking 6.Peer approach and respect SUMMARY FOR ADULT EDUCATION
“In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not.” — Albert Einstein
CHARACTERISTICS OF A SUCCESSFUL TRAINER Knows the information well Knows what they don’t know Makes information relevant to practice Flexible for different types of learners Effective time management skills
Manages objections and keep positive tone Facilitates discussions that are meaningful to the overall training Entertaining – keep people awake and engaged Can think on his or her feet Understands that learning is a life long process Committed to continuous quality improvement CHARACTERISTICS OF A SUCCESSFUL TRAINER
Must be aligned with adult learning. Set expectations early. Learn from participants what they hope to gain from the training. Be willing and flexible. Be creative and comfortable. Understand time constraints. Okay to say “Good question. I am not sure of the Answer.” Facilitate discussion with room of experts. TRAINING STRATEGIES
Lecture Quizzes Games Role-playing Media Group brainstorming Group problem-solving Case study Simulation INSTRUCTIONAL METHODS
Paradigm shift o Professional: expert collective team: expert o Strengths – development not need amelioration o Child/family perspective Not psychometric Subjective Reliability and validity questions CANS TYPICAL CHALLENGES
Resistance to the CANS Test anxiety Professional perspective Split decision regarding ratings ‘What’ not the ‘why’ Setting/Treatment Effect CANS TYPICAL CHALLENGES
Competing implementations Significant practice shift Relationship with mandating agency MITIGATING FACTORS IN IMPLEMENTATION
Organization and energy is critical. Adults must be engaged in their learning. Information must be relevant and practical. Mix Methods: Engaging Anticipate and manage objections. Build consensus and manage disagreements. – Parallel process Be reflective and a life long learner. PRACTICE POINTS