Climate Controls Climate Controls Myers Social 7
Earth-Sun Relationship The earth is 93 million miles from the sun
Earth-Sun Relationship The earth spins on its axis which is tilted at 23.5 degrees But it also orbits the sun - it takes days to complete the orbit
Earth-Sun Relationship The seasons change as a result of the earth’s orbit and distance from the sun Fall September 23 Spring March 21 Winter December 21 Summer June 21
Summer Solstice June 21st -During the summer solstice the Northern hemisphere receives more direct sunlight. -During this time it is WINTER in the southern hemisphere
Winter Solstice December 21 -During the winter solstice the southern hemisphere receives more direct sunlight. -During this time it is SUMMER in the southern hemisphere
Fall Equinox September 23 -During the fall equinox neither hemisphere receives direct sunlight
Spring Equinox March 21 -During the spring equinox neither hemisphere receives direct sunlight
Latitude Go to page 13 Start at the Arctic Circle Locate 90 ° W Record the climate you find at:
_____,90 °W 75 °N 55 °N 46 °N 40 °N 30 °N 20 °N 17 °N
Latitude It affects temperature by influencing the intensity of the sun It influences precipitation Higher temps = higher evaporation = more precipitation
Land Versus Water Land Versus Water Stay on Page 13 Find southern Iceland (Reykjavik) Trace with your finger east What climate is found at Arkhangel’sk, Russia? Non-Coastal lands have no ocean currents to impact their precipitation or their temperature.
Go to page 36 Go to page 36 Find Oregon Trace from the Pacific coast at 42 °N to eastern Oregon How many climates did you pass through Use the physical map on page 30 to explain the changes in climate
Mountains Rain clouds moving over mountains lose tend to rain on one side – leaving the other side dry In addition, higher elevations have lower temperatures
Mountains and Precipitation
No rain on this side
Geographic Position/Winds On page 36 Find and record the climate of Richmond,VA Find and record the climate of St Louis, MO Find and record the climate of San Francisco, CA
Geographic Position/Winds Although Norfolk and San Francisco are both coastal cities, westerly winds change their climates Even though some factors may be the same in two places, where a place is located can change a climate
Air Pressure Pressure helps to create winds Winds change temperature and precipitation
Intro to Climographs