Rotation: Its effects 1.Day & Night. 2.Bulging of the Earth at the Equator and flattening at the poles. 3.The deflection of winds & ocean currents. 4.Tides. 5.The apparent movement of all heavenly bodies from east to west.
The side facing the Sun will always be lighted & the other side will always be dark. The lighted side will be extremely hot & the dark side will be freezing. Life forms would not be able to exist in such extreme conditions. The patterns of tides, ocean currents & wind system would be very different from what they are now.
It takes the Earth a little over 365 days to complete a revolution around the Sun. The path it takes around the Sun is called the Orbit. It is elliptical in shape. Distance between the Earth & the Sun is roughly 147 million Km in early January (Perihelion). In early July it is roughly 152 million Km (Aphelion). The plane in which the Earth goes around the Sun is called Ecliptic. Effects of Revolution: Varying length of day and night. Changing seasons
When it is summer in Northern Hemisphere, its winter in Southern Hemisphere * Summer Solstice:21 June * Winter Solstice: 22 December * Vernal Equinox: 21 March * Autumnal Equinox: 23 September.
The Earth takes 365 ¼ days to complete 1 revolution around the Sun. But for our convenience, we take only 365 days as a calendar year. The 6 hours (1/4 day) that is left is added as 1 more day to February every fourth year. Such a year has 366 days & it is called a Leap Year.