RCM WIPT Status Brief to CBM + AG 16 January 2013
WIPT Membership Co-chairs – Ron Graffius, NAVSEASYSCOM – Jason Hamilton, MARCORSYSCOM Service POCs – Doug Felker, AMRDEC – Sean Olin, NAVAIRSYSCOM – Air Force – TBD Various other RCM zealots & associated contractors
CY 2012 Accomplishments WIPT met quarterly and shared cross-Service briefs (Navy, Army, and Marine Corps) Collected updates for DoD M Developed RCM updates for DAU modules Briefed RAM5 workshop in Huntsville Participated in DoD Maintenance Symposium breakouts
CY 2013 Plan Publish RCM WIPT charter Review and identify proposed changes to DAU Continuous Learning Modules Submit updates to CLL030 for incorporation Author white paper on RCM & “Big Data” Present RCM at RAM-6 workshop
DAU CLM’s for RCM Review CLLTitleReviewerPresent CLL 029CBM+Army1/15/13 CLL 033Logisticians Responsibilities During Major Technical ReviewsUSMC4/16/13 CLL 036Product Support Manager (PSM)Navy (NAVSEA)10/17/12 CLL 057Level of Repair Analysis - IntroductionAir Force CLL 058Level of Repair Analysis Theory and PrinciplesArmy CLL 006Depot Maintenance PartneringUSMC CLL 011Performance Based Logistics (PBL) Product SupportNavy 4/16/13 CLL 012Supportability AnalysisAir Force CLL 020Independent Logistics AssessmentsUSMC CLE 066Systems Engineering for Systems of SystemsArmy CLE 301Reliability and MaintainabilityNavy (NAVSEA) 1/15/13 CLM 021Introduction to Reducing Total Ownership Costs R-TOCArmy10/17/12 CLM 038Corrosion Prevention and Control OverviewArmy CLR 151Analysis of AlternativesUSMC CLR 252Developing RequirementsNavy 4/16/13