Electronics and Controls Robotics 101 Electronics and Controls Basics of an FRC Robot’s control system.
The Control System The Control System is the “Brain” of the robot The control system receives input from the driver station and tells the robot what to do (e.g. drive forward, back up, shoot ball, etc.) It is very important to have a well-organized and wired control system A wiring issue can cost a match, or even a medal (Finals at the Buckeye Regional 2013) Finding issues with the control system would ideally be easy and quick Easy access to the control system should always be considered in the design process
Pre-2015 Controls and Wiring Major Components: NI cRio Sidecar Power Distribution Panel D-Link (wireless router) Speed Controllers
2015 and Future Controls and Wiring Major Components: NI roboRio Power Distribution Panel D-Link (wireless router) Speed Controllers
Drive Station Joysticks, USB multiplexer, Laptop/Classmate
Battery and Power Rated: 12V, 18 Amps-Hours Battery can provide 18 amps for one hour From our driving experience how long can a good charged battery drive our robot? Robot requires a minimum amount of power to turn due to friction of wheels on carpet Power = Volts X Amps so Amps = Power/Volts Charged good battery = 12.5 Volts Voltage drops as battery charge is consumed As voltage drops what happens to: Power? Amps?
Speed Controller Functions Jaguar Controller (Old) Backwards/Forwards Faster/Slower Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Jaguar Controller (Old) Talon SR Controller (Newer) Motor Victor Controller Talon SRX Controller (Newest)
Electrical Devices Camera Limit Switch Potentiometer Aiming, scoring Goal Tracking Limit Switch Control fixed position Potentiometer Variable control
Electrical Devices Photoelectric Limit Switch Encoders Gyro Non contact sensing/limit switch Sensing plunger back, Frisbee present Encoders Measure rotational speed Computer counts and adds pulses Gyro Measure robot direction/angle Used to drive straight or turn in auto
Motor List from 2012 Robot Description/Function Qty Motor Sensor rqmt. /desire Main robot drive 4 CIM Would like encoders Mech to lower bridge 1 AndyMark Potentiometer & Limit Switch Extended front roller 1 Banebots None 1st stage roller front 1 AndyMark None 1st stage roller rear 1 Window None Upper roller/shooter feed 1 Banebots None Ball shooter wheel 2 FP RPM Shooter turret rotate 1 Window Potentiometer Ball singulator 1 Window Limit Switch Wheel brake 1 Window None