Ronald Regan By Zach McAnally
Ronald Regan was born February 6, 1911 in Tampico, Illinois He attended college at Eureka College in Illinois He graduated from college with a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics and sociology
Early Careers When Regan graduated he moved to Iowa to work for a local radio program Later on in 1937 he moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in acting
Politics As Regan got older he took a particular interest in politics One day he gave a speech regarding Barry Goldwater's presidency and he was immediately drawn to an opportunity to run for the position of governor of California He won within two years and did so again in 1970
Politics cont. Presidency Ronald Regan first ran for president in 1968 and again in 1976 but failed to win each time Finally in 1980 he ousted Jimmy Carter and was elected the nations 40 th President His presidency came with many new ideas on how to make this country a better place including his ideas on economics, called “Reaganomics” he advocated reducing taxes to spur economic growth He was loved but also hated and as you can see on the right there was an attempt on his life in 1981
Death Regan died at his home in Bel Aire on June 5 th 2004 after a 10 year battle with Alzheimer's Reagan is remembered as one of this nations best presidents who helped bring an end to the cold war, and new economic life A quote about Reagan is “he made this world a safer, freer world”
Conservatism Conservatism is a political philosophy that promotes a gradual change in society Reagan was a leading advocate for conservatism The problem with some of Reagan's conservatism policies were that because he cut taxes back there was a large increase in spending The more people bought, the harder it was for factories to make goods because they cost less and were in a much higher demand Reagan's idea was to promote self savings and conserving the goods that the country had so they wouldn’t run out
Bibliography naldreagan naldreagan may/04/00006/ may/04/00006/ The text book