Unit 7 Week 1 Day 2 Local Leaders
Reinforce The Theme What kinds of leaders work in government? Where do they work? What do they do? How do they make our lives better?
Reinforce Theme Vocabulary Theme Vocabulary governmenta group of people who are in charge of a place electto choose someone by voting taxesmoney that goes to the government
Comprehension Strategy: Visualize Readers visualize when they use the words to make pictures in their minds. Page 11 (1 st paragraph) of Our Leaders, Our Helpers Read 2 nd paragraph, what do you visualize when you read that community members can vote in an election? What do you visualize when you read that the people who get the most votes become the new leaders? Visualizing What I ReadWhat I KnowWhat I Visualized A family needs to decide where to go on vacation. Beaches I’ve been to and places I’ve hiked The family at the beach I know and the place I hiked
Prepare to Read Identify places that have rules Preview subheads and photos and predict Read pages 12-17
Word Study: Abbreviations An abbreviation is a short way of saying something. Look at the caption on p. 7 for the abbreviation. D.C. is a short way to say “District of Columbia.” Examples of abbreviations for place names: Name Abbreviation Water RoadWater Rd. Main StreetMain St. NorthN. EastE. School LaneSchool Ln. Fox AvenueFox Ave. WestW. NameAbbreviation TexasTX ColoradoCO FloridaFL IllinoisIL CaliforniaCA HawaiiHI PennsylvaniaPA
High-Frequency Words: country Decodable Reader 23: What Will We Do About Jack? Fluency: “ We, the People” (poem) Practice Companion p. 146 (phrasing)
Write Poems: Quatrain Choosing a Topic Favorite Things Favorite Activities Favorite People baseball gloveswimminggrandparent tree houseplaying pianosibling stuffed animalpaintingteacher pepperoni pizzagoing to the parkfriend
Generate Ideas Baseball Glove soft and worn playing catch with my dad winning an important baseball game brown and leathery
Phonics= p. 64 Practice= p Read p. 146 Practice spelling words