INTRO TO THE CONSTITUTION UNIT. THIS UNIT WILL BE BROKEN UP INTO 2 PARTS Part 1 The history leading up to the Constitution State Constitutions Articles.


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Presentation transcript:


THIS UNIT WILL BE BROKEN UP INTO 2 PARTS Part 1 The history leading up to the Constitution State Constitutions Articles of Confederation The Constitutional Convention Passing of the Constitution Part 2 The Goals and the Principles of the Constitution The Preamble The 5 Principles set forth by the Constitution The Articles of the Constitution

ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS OF THE UNIT: How did the writing of a new Constitution seek to fix the shortcomings of the Articles of Confederation? How does the American Government fulfill the Goals of the Constitution? How are the five Principles of the Constitution carried out in today’s society? How did the framework established by the founding fathers achieve a delicate balance between centralized power, states’ rights and individualized liberties?

STATE CONSTITUTIONS The new nation was created with 13 independent states Each state created its own constitution Constitution- A document that sets out the laws and principles of a government The Constitutions listed rights of the citizens and placed limits on the government The governments of the new states were similar to the colonial governments The states had an executive, a legislature and a court system

ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION The first American Constitution was the Articles of Confederation. Many new Americans felt loyalty to their individual states, not necessarily to the federal government. After the “tyranny” of British rule, Americans were nervous about giving too much power to a strong central government Confederation- A loose alliance of independent states


The Articles could not settle disputes between states States printed their own money, and many states wouldn’t accept currency from another state.

ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION Congress set up a system for dividing land in the Northwest Territory, the land North of the Ohio River and East of the Mississippi River. The Land Ordinance of set up a system for surveying and settling the Northwest Territory. The law called for land to be divided into townships and sold to settlers.

ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION Northwest Ordinance- Set up a government for the Northwest Territory, guaranteed basic rights to settlers, and outlawed slavery there. Once a territory had a population of 60,000 free settlers, it could ask Congress to be admitted as a new state. Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin were created from the Northwest Territory.

SHAY’S REBELLION The economic problems of the Articles of Confederation hit a boiling point in After the Revolution the new country suffered an economic depression-A time period when business activity slows, prices and wages fall, and unemployment rises. The depression hit farmers hard. During the Revolutionary war, farm products were in high demand. After the war, demand fell, farm prices fell, and farmers could not repay loans. In Massachusetts, taxes were raised, and the government took land from farmers who could not pay their taxes or loans.

SHAY’S REBELLION Daniel Shay, a farmer who had been a Revolutionary soldier, organized an uprising against the government 2,000 farmers attacked courthouses and prevented the state from taking their farms. Eventually the state militia was able to drive them off

A CHANGE IS NEEDED! Many Americans saw Shay’s Rebellion as a symbol of the failures of the Articles of Confederation. The new American Nation was on the brink of disaster. To avoid a crises, leaders from several states called for a convention to revise the Articles of Confederation They decided to meet in Philadelphia in May 1787

IN CLOSING… Answer the following questions: Why do we need a central government? What are some jobs of the President?