Knife Skills and Safety Assignment Culinary 801 B Fall 2015
Types of Knives Name of Knife Picture Use
Parts of a Knife Label the parts of the knife: A. tip B. Point C. Back D. Cutting Edge E. Heel F. Bolster/Shank G. Handle H. Rivets
Knife Safety True or False 1. Treat all knives and sharp edges with respect. _____ 2. Using a knife as a screwdriver is fine. ____ 3. Using sharp knives is more dangerous than sing dull ones. ____ 4. Always use a cutting board when cutting. ___ 5. Hand someone a knife with the blade facing you. ____ 6. Wearing open shoes is dangerous in the lab because of possible falling knives. ____ 7. It is ok to put dirty knives into the soapy water to allow them to soak and sanitize. ______ 8. Store knives separately, on a magnetic strip so they are visible. 9. Keep finger tips back and knuckles on the blade to keep fingers safe. ____ 10. Grab a falling knife so it does not cut your toes. _____
Sharpening Knives After watching the videos answer these questions. 1. What is a sharpening steel? When is it used? 2. What is a whet stone? When is it used?
Knife Cuts Name of Cut Description or picture Food example Rondelle Diagonal Slice Jullienne Dice-Cubed Dice-Minced