ABSOLUTE LOCATION is describing the location of a place using latitude and longitude
Relative Location is describing a location by comparing it to some other location (example: The United States is south of Canada)
Countries are when states come together.
Continents are when countries come together they form this.
Boundaries are also called a border. A line that divides cities from other cities, states from other states, or countries from other countries.
Historical Map is a map that shows how a place used to look during a certain time in history.
Political Map is a map that shows cities, states, and countries, and usually large bodies of water.
Appalachian Rocky Andes Himalaya Alps
The Appalachians are the oldest chain of mountains in the North American continent
The Rocky Mountain Range actually represents a series of more than 100 separate mountain ranges, rather than one uninterrupted mountain chain
The mountain range extends over seven countries - Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela.
Of the fifteen highest mountain peaks in the World, nine of them are contained within the Nepal Himalayas
The Alps comprise about 180 mountains,
Nile Amazon Yangtze Mississippi Ganges
The Nile River is actually 4184 miles long
The Amazon at any one point in time has the highest amount of water flowing down it. No other river even comes close. It may not be the longest, but it is the widest.
The Yangtze flows through nine provinces of China and drains an area equal to 695,000 square miles of land.
The name "Mississippi" comes from the Anishinabe people (Ojibwe Indians). They called the river "Messipi" or "Mee-zee- see-bee," which means "Big River" or "Father of Waters."
The plains on the banks of this river are very fertile and is one of the most densely populated areas in the world with half of India's population living and depending on the banks of Ganges.