Peru is a country in the west of South America. The name of the country comes from the name of the river Pirru, that means a river in the language of the natives. The total area of it is sq km.
Peru borders on Colombia and Ecuador in the north, on Brazil and Bolivia in the east and on Chile in the south. It is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west. It is a republic. The head of the country is the president, elected by people for 5 years.
The average temperature on the coastlines is +27°C. The amount of rainfalls is 3000 mm a year. In the mountains the weather is cool.
In the west there are cactuses, in the east and north - mountain steppes, in the south-east – semi deserts. In the valleys there are wet equatorial forests. There are a lot of animals in South America. You can find jaguars, pumas, guanacos, ant- eaters, chinchillas, armadillos, crocodiles many monkeys, different kinds of birds, lizards, and insects.
The biggest rivers are the Amazon and the Maranion. The biggest lake Titicaca is also here.
The population of Peru is 434 thousand people. The state language is Spanish. The capital of the country is Lima. Over 7 million people live in the city.