Summery of the Plot “When It Happens” opens up with an elderly woman named Mrs. Burridge, while she is pickling green tomatoes. We learn from the narrator that she lives with her husband Frank on a small farm in the country. She has picked up an odd habit of standing by the backdoor and looking for columns of smoke and she worries more than she used to. Throughout her various tasks of pickling and, later, writing out a grocery list, Mrs. Burridge’s mind wanders to her fears. The plot switches from reality to glimpses from her imagination. At first, she thinks about her life with Frank when they were younger and how they’ve aged. This reminds her of the fear she has (related to the anticipated columns of smoke) of a war starting again (possibly something to do with Armageddon) and that she has no protection anymore. The story concludes when Mrs. Burridge is finished writing her list.
Mrs. Burridge- An old, practical farm-wife immersed in the process of storing food and saving money. Always quietly obsessing over being being “prepared”, and constantly entertaining her mind with paranoid thoughts that something bad might happen. Frank Burridge- Mrs. Burridge’s husband. A relaxed, reserved old man. Conveys mixed outward emotions, but inside holds a genuine concern and love for his wife. Henry Clark- A local neighbor and former business partner of Frank Burridge.
Purpose:Convey the tendency of human nature to worry reveal human actions in different situations Theme: Fear of unknown/future. Techniques: Symbolism, Character description, Internal Monologue Mood: Suspenseful, dark Tone: tender, fearful
Symbolism:gun: safety, control and survival pickles: readiness, security old age: lack of protection/security list: reference to reality, tie to responsibility columns of smoke: war, disaster country/farm: isolation fantasy of rape: expectations of the worst
1. Who in society does Mrs. Burridge represent? 2. How does the time period that “When it Happens” was written effect the story? (written in 1977) 3. In what ways does the author portray the current state of the society? 4. What is the significance of the relationship between Mrs. Burridge and her husband? 5. What affect does the point of view have on the story?
“When it Happens” is said to be a comment on society at the time. What techniques and devices does the author use to achieve this purpose?