EDSGN 100 SECTION 18 PROF. ANDY LAU (JS) 2 DECEMBER 9, 2010 No Grid Telecom Base Station Energy Storage System GE Transportation NAKURU
Problem Statement We are undertaking the GE project of building a reliable cell phone base station in a Third World Country with an unreliable or nonexistent energy grid. We are attempting to build a reliable and cost efficient cell phone base station capable of carrying a constant 1.2+ kW load using a sustainable green energy source, diesel generator, and a sodium metal halide battery so that we can provide people in the area with reliable cell phone service.
Research Wind Power 7-10 mph just to get them going 10 kW might not be generated until mph. From in Nakuru: Average Wind Speed= 1.76 m/s or 3.93 mph Mode Wind Speed= 0 mphHydropower Pumped Storage Lake Nakuru is relatively close to the city but… o Max. depth=2.8 meters o 495 species of birds, along with other wildlife
Research Charge Controller Rated power: 2 kW Rated Battery Voltage: 48 V Max PV Input Power: 1700 W GE Durathon Sodium-Halide Battery Type A2 Ambient Temp: -40 ~ 65m ºC 7.5 hours to fully recharge Max heater power: 1700 W Dimensions: 320 x 530 x 870 mm Lasts around 15 years
Research Base Transceiver Station Entirely solar powered Does not need grid power /diesel generators No air conditioning Needs 230 W to run Smaller PV array while charging Meets same requirements as other systems
Analysis 1. More shade = less output Amount of panel shaded PV Current (milliamps) 2. Angle isn’t as influential as shading, but still makes difference Angle of panel relative to ground PV Current (milliamps) Photovoltaic Experiment
Analysis Charge Controller PV System 1.7 kW BTS constant 230 W Dump Energy 1.2 kWh per day GE battery.97 η. 92 η
Economic total cost of system≈ $35, charges per day (with available dump loads) According to our calculations…we will make $34,748 US dollars per year charging 20¢
Final Concept
Conclusion If you take away anything from our project, you should understand… % solar energy 1. no diesel 1. BTS ≈ 1/5 original 2. “phototropism” 3. Dump load charger 4. pay for itself ≈1 year