Good Assessments and Identifying Support Systems Todd S. Manni, Program Planner Rhode Island Department of Health Division of Emergency Medical Services
Our goal… Provide quality information and resources to first responders to best equip them with capabilities to assist and pre-identify special populations within communities.
Two important tools Falls Prevention Rhode Island Special Needs Emergency Registry
Falls Home Assessment Older persons who fall are frequent and repeat users of 911. Calls are costly and time consuming. Triggers for many calls are preventable. EMS and Fire/Police Senior Citizen Advocates represent trusted and respected professionals in the community.
Pilot project 1.Several strategic meetings with state EMS chief. 2. Selected home assessment tool. 3.Converted paper tool into an electronic tool to collect outcome evaluation data. 4.Developed a process evaluation tool (Survey Monkey and in person qualitative interviews). 5.Developed a training power point and selected production company. 6.Public safety staff/personnel training (primarily directed towards EMTs).
Checklist includes bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, living room, indoor, outdoor and other areas (as needed) Assessment of hazards such as - flooring - lighting issues - pathways in homes - check for detectors, provide resources, and starting a conversation the doctor.
Data Collection PAPER FORMELECTRONIC FORM Both forms must be completed
Rhode Island Special Needs Emergency Registry Voluntary means of pre-identifying those in the community with special needs. These individuals may need additional or special assistance during an emergency. Some examples include mobility disabilities, O2, visually or hearing impaired, cognitive or developmental disabilities.
RISNER allows for emergency personnel (EMA, EMS, Fire & Police) to have better situational awareness in their communities. Anticipate special considerations during evacuations, utility outages, and log-term recovery efforts. Updates conducted annually by HEALTH and RIEMA.
Enrollment is easy and a good community project. –Special community events (4 th of July Celebrations, National Night Out, art shows, etc). –Community-wide mailings. –By representatives of the public safety community with forms available from HEALTH. –Online at
Next steps… How can we help you to better help others? Questions and answers
Todd S. Manni Program Planner