H EALTH D EPARTMENT R EGULATION What is the health department’s role? Everyone is to wear a hat/headband or hair net! Everyone is to wear a full bib apron, chef coat or lab coat Everyone is to wash their hands… Before you do any practical work in the classroom
S AFETY There are two basic reasons accidents occur: 1. Not knowing how to recognize potential safety hazards. (Not having the proper training) 2. Carelessness by not following the training that has been given I will take care of #1 You have to take care of #2 Safety begins with you!!!
W HY ? Kitchen BurnKitchen Cut
K NIFE S AFETY Preventing Cuts
K NIFE S AFETY Knives can be dangerous if not used properly – Always handle a knife with care. Carry the knife point down, blade facing back by your side Always cut away from you Always use a sharp knife so you do not apply too much pressure
45 SECONDS OF KNIFE SAFETY I do not care about the dominant hand 5 Simple knife safety tips
M ORE RULES Never put knives in the sink – wash and put away yourself Do not leave knives hanging over the edge of a table and do not try to catch a falling knife
O VEN & S TOVE S AFETY Preventing Burns
O VEN & S TOVE S AFETY Always use caution around ovens and stoves as serious burns can occur. When removing hot trays etc. always use a dry towel or oven mitts Wear proper clothing – Long sleeves, long pants, covered shoes Warn others if a pot or tray is hot – Towel Rule
O VEN & S TOVE S AFETY Keep your face back when opening a pot lid or over door Keep pot handles in, but not over an open flame or element that is on
M IXING M ACHINES Commercial Mixer Stand Mixer
R ULES Make sure the bowl and attachment are on securely Do not wear loose clothing, jewellery, or long hair around the machine Make sure the guard is in place Always start on first speed
C ONT ’ D Don’t try to scrape the bowl clean while machine is running Make sure machine comes to a complete stop before removing guard Turn off and unplug if possible before cleaning