BC Ringette CSI Summary Ian Liversidge cell E mail
Course Schedule 5:00 – 6:00 Introduction, Course Information, Role of the Coach 6:00 – 6:30 Long Term Athlete Development 6:30 – 7:30Planning a Practice – Safety
The Five NCCP Core Competencies Valuing Problem-Solving Interacting Leading Critical Thinking
Find six differences between the panels CSI – Intro - liversidge
BC Ringette CSI 40 Assets for Success 8 – 12 Year olds.. Ed Research The Swarm.. T Waiters Tag.. Bigaleow Straight Facts.. Sorry hockey If you let me play.. nike
BC Ringette CSI Long Term Athlete Development Model LTMD – (I. Bali) FUNdamentals Train to Train Train to Compete Train to Win Train to Retire.. Transition
BC Ringette CSI Long Term Athlete Development Model LTMD – (Ringette Canada) U7: Watch me Start U9 & U10: I AM Skating U12: I AM Playing U14 and U16: I AM on the Team U19: I AM a Competitor U20 (CWG): I AM Exceeding My Limit 18+ (Team Canada & NRL): I AM a Champion I AM Ringette
National Coaching Certification Program
BC Ringette CSI OPPS EAP Emergency Action Plan Information and responsibilities Task: Review the EAP Noting the specifics of your community facility
BC Ringette CSI Role of the Coach The Coach is.. Leader Manager Psychologist Counselor ……
BC Ringette CSI The big 6 (7) volunteers: Coaching, Other Coach, Other Coach Manager Timer Scorer 30 Sec Clock How do you be sure these roles are shared covered and “done”.
BC Ringette CSI My Coaching Belief, in a nutshell, are these: Keep winning an losing in perspective Lead By Example Go for respect over popularity Value Character as well as ability Work hard but enjoy what you do Don Shula “Everyone's a Coach”
BC Ringette CSI Your Statement of Philosophy: What do you stand for … How do balance excellence, affiliation, sensation, and success How will you defend the aggressive parent … How do you define yourself to a “meaningful coach application” process
BC Ringette CSI Atom B ….too long ago We believe that hockey is the best medium for teaching kids the skills of communication, teamwork, support, and respect. We believe that the coaches’ primary goal is in the development of the complete hockey player. The complete hockey player is an individual who is skilled as a player and as a person. The development of a slap shot should never supersede the development of teamwork, caring and support.
Six differences in place NOW CSI – Intro - liversidge
BC Ringette CSI Things to Do: Sign up for CSI or CI BCRA Requirement - Sign up for CATT – Concussion Awareness training tool.. online BCRA Requirement - Sign up for Prevention in Motion
Make Memories
Just a Dad
BC Ringette CSI Introduction Ian Liversidge cell E mail I hope it did not suck