THE 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS From 1558 to 1829, Roman Catholics in England were not permitted to practice their faith openly. Someone during that era wrote this carol as a Cathechism song for young Catholics. Each day or element has a code word
1 st day of Christmas A partridge in a pear tree
Jesus Christ
2 nd day of Christmas Two turtle doves
The old and new testaments
3 rd day of Christmas Three French hens
4 th. Day of Christmas Four Calling Birds
Four gospels of Matthew Mark Luke and John
5 th. Day of Christmas Five golden Rings
Torah or law The first five books of the old Testament
6 th. Day of Christmas Six geese a-laying
Six days of creation
7 th. Day of Christmas Seven swans a-swimming
Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit Prophesy Serving Teaching Exhortation Contribution Leadership and Mercy
8 th. Day of Christmas Eight maids a- milking
The eight beatitudes
9 th. Day of Christmas Nine ladies Dancing
Nine Fruits of the Holy Spirit Love Joy Peace Patience Kindness Goodness Faithfulness Gentleness and Self - control
10 th. Day of Christmas Ten lords a-Leaping
The Ten Commandments
11 th. Day of Christmas Eleven Pipers Piping
Eleven Faithful Disciples
12 th. Day of Christmas Twelve drummers Drumming
Twelve Points of belief in the Apostles’ Creed