COMMUNICATIONS & PR KELLY STEWART ACTIVITY THAT HAS ACHIEVED SOME GREAT OUTCOMES FOR THE DESTINATION…. o Dedicated PR Focus on changing perceptions of Rotorua o Increased Famils targeting opinion leaders
DEDICATED COMMUNICATIONS & PUBLIC RELATIONS STRATEGY Publicity schedule of news releases (positive stories) targeting Auckland’s culture trendsetters Womans Weekly Food News Juice TV Destinations NZ Herald - Viva Sunday Star Times Life & Leisure Magazine Cuisine Metro Magazine
TARGETED DRM MEDIA RELEASES August 2011 to March 2012 Driving key market messages and activity related to the destination Launch of #1 Queen Taste Rotorua ASTW event Locals Week Jet Services SATW Weddings in Rotorua Entertainment in Rotorua Valentines Day / Romance Trout Fishing Chinese Domestic Campaign Government Gardens Heritage Oscar winner (Bret Mc Kenzie) Mountain Biking Events
MEDIA RELEASE – RESULT HIGHLIGHTS Total value of media coverage as a result of PR is approximately $500k in EAV Media results are now posted live online MONTHTOTALDOM.INT. November December January February March TASTE ROTORUA HIGHLIGHTS Breakfast TV interview – Mokoia Restaurant cooking with indigenous herbs Wedding Week – Breakfast interview with Peter Duncan
AUCKLAND INFLUENCER FAMILS FOCUSSED ON THE INFLUENTIAL AND FOLLOWED More FM host & MTV presenter Amber Peebles Target presenter Brooke Howard-Smith World Designer Denise L’Estrange Corbet Canvas columnist Pebbles Hooper NZ Women’s Weekly NZ Herald Blogger Metro Magazine NZ Herald Travel Destination NZ
AUCKLAND INFLUENCER FAMILS Wow, wow, wow! What an amazingly stunning weekend way!! We had the best time. It completely swept us off our feet. Thank you so so much. Brooke and I have gushed about it on twitter, facebook and I did again on the Radio :) I’m still going on about it and I've got two guests visiting NZ soon.. hence wanting to bring them down and show Rotorua off as much as possible. (MoreFM Host & MTV Presenter Amber Peebles & Target Presenter Brooke-Howard-Smith)
TASTE ROTORUA – HIGHLIGHTS Abbe Vaughan – Mindfood Magazine Thanks I really enjoyed it and I thought the event was great. Food excellent and a great feeling for Rotorua. Goodie bag was also fantastic. Trudi and Mark Nelson - Fresh in the Kitchen broadcasters We were very impressed. The food was fabulous, the venue impressive and I learnt heaps more about Rotorua, despite a visit last year. I look forward to going back. Tamara Rubanowski - FMCG Magazine It was a great event, well done and thanks again! Julia Le Clerc - Next Magazine Stimulating event presentation, I have always loved Rotorua and amm happythe word is out now about the food experience Cynthia Daley – Food and Beverage Today The event was great and the food quite good. Never tried koura or poached eel. Can’t wait to spread the news.
AREAS WE ACCEPT WE NEED TO IMPROVE AND DO BETTER…. o Be better engaged with you. Come and see us, update us on new product and developments, provide us with new imagery and stories. We want to understand the type of information you need from us and how often. o Establishing closer working relationships with the likes of media teams and others, such as Tourism New Zealand and key travel trade. COMMUNICATIONS & PR
UPCOMING ACTIVITY ON THE ROAD AHEAD… o April - continued focus on Rotorua being the mecca of New Zealand’s mountain- biking experience, as well as PR surrounding the 3+2 Love Rotorua Campaign. o May - PR features and promotions regarding A-List mountain-bike endorsers and the Trail Notes mountain biking movie release. o June – Return to a focus on cuisine and Rotorua’s winter getaway secrets as well as profiling game bird entrants in the Wild Food Competition.