Lesson 3 Vocabulary
usual 1. representative: having all or most of the characteristics shared by others of a type and therefore suitable as an example of the type 2. conforming to expectation: conforming to what is expected 3. usual: like what is usual
NOUN the least possible n (plural min·i·mums or min·i·ma [mínnəmə]) 1. lowest possible degree: the lowest possible amount or degree of something ADJECTIVE lowest allowed: lowest possible, recorded, or allowed
hard to get rare adj 1. insufficient: being in insufficient supply 2. rare: rarely found or rarely occurring
once a year adj 1. once a year: happening once a year 2. for period of one year: based on or accumulating over one year 3. BOTANY dying after one season: used to describe a plant that flowers, produces seed, and dies in one growing season
make someone willing to do something 1. get somebody to do something: to successfully urge somebody to perform a particular action, especially by reasoning, pleading, or coaxing 2. convince somebody of something: to make somebody believe something, especially by giving good reasons for doing so
necessary; very important 1. necessary: of the highest importance for achieving something It is essential that we arrive on time. 2. basic: being the most basic element or feature of something or somebody We wanted the biography to tell us the essential nature of the man. 3. perfect: being the pure or perfect form or embodiment of something
mix together thoroughly a mixture n (plural blends) 1. mixture: a mixture or combination an interesting blend of traditional styles and modern materials 2. food or drink mixture: a food or beverage created by mixing different types of ingredient an expensive coffee blend
blend mix together thoroughly v (past blend·ed, past participle blend·ed, present participle blend·ing, 3rd person present singular blends) 1. vti mix ingredients: to mix different substances together so that they do not readily separate blend the butter and sugar together 2. vt create product by mixing ingredients: to create food or beverages by mixing different types of ingredients (often passive) vti make pleasing combination: to combine things or qualities to create a pleasing effect, or be combined in this way instruments blending harmoniously 5. vi shade imperceptibly into each other: to shade from one color to another without obvious transitions and boundaries
able to be seen 1. able to be seen: capable of being seen by, or perceptible to, the human eye the visible spectrum 2. in sight: in somebody’s sight at a particular time The building became visible again as soon as she turned the corner. 3. obvious: easily noticeable the very visible results of the recent floods
visible able to be seen 4. detectable: capable of being discovered by means of the mental faculties no visible prospect of a solution to the problem 5. often seen publicly: frequently in the public eye the company’s very visible head of public relations
costing a lot of money high-priced 1. costing a lot: costing a lot of money 2. charging a lot: charging high prices 3. very disadvantageous: involving serious losses or disadvantage to a particular person or group an expensive first quarter for the home team
n 1. boyfriend: a boyfriend or male admirer (dated)
think out plan invent present singular de·vis·es) 1. think up: to conceive of the idea for something and figure out how it will work
in large quantity less than the retail price 1. of trade in quantity: relating to the buying and selling of goods in quantity at discounted prices 2. done on large scale: done on a large scale and indiscriminately