ANNUAL 50th ANNUAL CONVENTION North Carolina Federation of Chapters of NAFRE
CREDITS AND COMMENTS The 50 th Annual Convention was held in Asheville May 3-5 th, 2005.The 50 th Annual Convention was held in Asheville May 3-5 th, It was hosted by the Charles R. Patton Chapter (192).It was hosted by the Charles R. Patton Chapter (192). Convention Co-chairs were Elaine Hughes and Sabine DieringerConvention Co-chairs were Elaine Hughes and Sabine Dieringer Chapter President: Theron RumseyChapter President: Theron Rumsey Photos: Dale Rusk and Linda PrattPhotos: Dale Rusk and Linda Pratt
Door prizes and other preparations by Host Chapter
Making Registration and Credentials Work
Opening Ceremonies – From left – Rev. Jack Hughes, Secretary Elaine Hughes, Exec VP Paul Carew, Region X Field VP Bill Austin and NARFE President Charles Fallis
Federation President Thomas Hobgood – Opened the 50 th Annual Convention of the North Carolina Federation of Chapters of NARFE
Charles Dickens – Presents Federation Factoids a basic history lesson.
Theron Rumsey - Host and Door Prize Drawing, President of Host Chapter 156.
Honorable Terry Bellamy, Mayor of Asheville
Federation Executive VP Paul Carew – Response to welcome
Address by Bill Austin – Region X Field VP
Jim and Betty Whitten at the Reception
Four Workshops presented at the Convention 1. Membership – John Clements John Clements and Theron Rumsey 2. Parliamentary Procedures – Charles Patton 3. Legislative Procedures – Joe Padgett Ira Schwarz, Joe Padgett and James 4. NARFE Websites – Charlie and Linda Pratt
Reports Credentials –Kenneth Carroll Bylaws –Howard Kimble Legislative –Carolyn London Sergeant at Arms –Clearence Burrell
Federation Officers Reports State Legislative Officer - James Sears National Legislative Officer - Joe Padgett NARFE PAC Coordinator - Joe Padgett
Membership - Theron Rumsey Public Relations Officer - Betty Whitten Service Officer - Robert Bartlett
Alzheimer’s Coordinator - Margaret Malley Editor – Avery Ghent Web Page Coordinator - Charlie Pratt
Photos from the Banquet Great food, Great company, Great Speech, NARFE President Charles Fallis
Recognition of Service by Retiring Federation Officers Executive Vice President Paul Carew presents a gift to retiring NARFE Area X Field Vice President Bill Austin for his service to our Federation
Retiring Board Members Executive Vice President Paul Carew presents a gift to retiring Area II Vice President Robert Wilson.
Executive Vice President Paul Carew presents a gift to retiring Area IV Vice President Edsel Morgan.
Executive Vice President Paul Carew presents a gift to retiring Newspaper Editor Avery Ghent and his wife
Annual Awards Executive Vice President Paul Carew presents the 2006 Lyle V. Storch award to Milton Quinn
Chapter Awards Betty Whitten, President of Chapter High Point receives the Most Active Chapter Award in the Large Chapter Category
Jim Whitten, Area III Vice President accepts the award for the Most Active Federation Area
Alzheimer’s Coordinator Peggy Malley presents the 2006 Fund Raising Award to
Invocation - Ted Mathis Roll Call of Deceased Members – Bruce Habermann Lighting the Candelabra – Dan Louderback and “Taps” played by – Dr. Timothy Gillespie
Great Entertainment, Great Gifts,
Recognition for 50 Years of Service, Recognition of Service by Bill Austin - outgoing Region X Field Vice President
And the Induction of Officers for
NEXT YEAR IN GREENVILLE Greenville Convention Center